No Training For A Test?

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*Ms.Sinarc's POV*

"Another day done and now we are done for the week." Chrom says with a big smile on his face as he stretches out.

"I take it that class went well for you today." I reply with my mind at ease of not worrying about any more class. Me, Chrom and Mr.Blocker were on our way out and walking away from the school. Unlike the students who live in dorms at the school, our living space is in front of the school but is quite a walk aways.

"And yours didn't?" He asks me.

"What matters is that we teach the students so they can be ready with the potential to fight. And sources tell me that you have been saying that you will allow the students to fight in your class when they are ready. There has even been talk that you brought something up about the final test." Mr.Blocker stops walking to scold Chrom raising his voice with each passing word.

"You know that fighting in our classes is not allowed, Chrom.Plus, none of us are able to tell when the students are ready. It's just an authority or power we don't have. And just mentioning the final test when we are not the ones giving it is something that is not allowed. You know this. It was all told to us when we signed up to be teachers." I  scold Chrom also, stopping in the process, but slightly calmer then Mr.Blocker.

Chrom didn't know how to reply. He seemed to be trying to form a sentence or an excuse but couldn't come up with one. After a while of standing still silent and looking between me and Mr.Blocker, he let out a sigh in defeat knowing he didn't have a good excuse for it.

"This is just a warning Chrom... Next time, we'll have no choice but to report you to Master and Crazy hands." Mr.Blocker says lowering his voice down now.

Chrom smiled a big toothy grin and stood up straight.
"You have my word. I will not mention another word about any of it to the students again."

"Good enough for me..." I say as I adjust my big wings that are dragging behind me like a cape.

We begin our walk again towards the teacher living area in dead silence again but it was broken by Chrom.

"So who's in charge of class tomorrow?" He asks, curiosity written clear on his face.

"Some other teacher we haven't met..." Mr.Blocker replies.

"Well it looks like we are about to meet them." I added as we begin to see a figure form in the distance. They were standing in front of where the teachers living area is, looking out at the lake that sat next to the area.

*Pit's POV*

"Link!Link!" I yell out as I see him walking in one of the halls leading towards the training area.

He stops and looks at me with a big smile as I walk up to him.
"Hey Pit! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you would consider helping me train today. I have been slacking in it all week and I think it's about time I start picking up in it." I ask somewhat desperate. Ever since me and Lady Palutena came here, I haven't had her tell me anything about training.

"Sure, I could help. In fact, I am on my way there now." He says while pointing toeards the direction of the
Training area.

I then feel my phone vibrate which catches the attention of both me and Link. Then Link's phone goes off too causing him to pay attention to his phone.
I take my phone out and turn it on and see that I recieved an Email. I open it up and begin reading:

Super Smash University School Board

Hello every student in Super Smash University. Super Smash University wishes to inform you all that the Training gym is closed and any sort of brawling and/or training is not permitted due to a test for tomorrow. No one is allowed to be overworked or stressed to take this test. That being said, everyone will have a curfew of 9:30pm today. You must be in your Dorms by then. We thank you for your understanding and hope you all have had a wonderful week.

~Super Smash University School Board~

"Well, there goes that idea..." I sigh as me and Link both put down our phones almost at the same exact time.

"It was worth a shot..I am curious though. What sort of test requires us not be stressed or overworked due to training though?"Link asks curiously.

"I believe that would be a test that helps the teacher measure aura or prepare us for the use of aura." A voice replies from behind Link. It was Robin.

"Maybe...It could be a different test though. One that involves no negativity or dark thoughts." I reply towards Robin.

"Well either way, I say we all head to our dorms and get some rest. This test sounds important." Link responds. We all nod to each other and go our separate ways.

This is part 4 of the Easter Special!
I hope you all enjoy!


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