A Day To Hang Out

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*Dark Pit's POV*

So apparently we got up late for school....not.. They tricked us into believing we did get up late!
Class doesn't start till ten tonight, at least that is what we believe for now since Zeal announced it on the damn intercom.

I could of slept a hell of a lot more but instead I am up due to some pansy thinking it was smart to go bashing pots and pans in the hall.

I sit on my bed and look towards my Dorm Partner Pit who was staring at me.

"What the hell are you staring at?" I ask obviously not in a good mood.

"Oh nothing, I've just never seen you think so hard. Even when something as gotten you angry." Pit finishes with a chuckle.

"Was that meant to be an insult!" I yell somewhat offended.

"No just an observation really." He replies back with then picks up his phone and starts messing with it.

"Since when did you become Sherlock Homes?" I mumble as I lay down on my bed.

It was silent for a long while. Nothing could be heard except the sound of Pit tapping on his phone. He must have been texting someone. Pit then stands up from off his bed letting out a big sigh and begins making his way to the door.

"And where are you going?" I ask obviously now bored and about to take a nap.

"I am going to meet up with some friends. You know you should come with. You'll make friends and it gives you something to do other then sit on here a nap all day." Pit states with a big smile on his face.

"Watch it angel boy. Just because I don't do anything doesn't mean I don't have friends." I say as I sit up and get up off my bed.

"Ok.....A.we are both angels B. Villans I wouldn't say count as friends and are you coming or not?" Pit asks being his naive little self again.

"Why the hell else did I get my ass up off my bed?" I respond irritated.

"Great, we are meeting them in the court yard, let's go!"

*Palutena's POV*

I swear, Pit doesn't know how to hurry up even if it was life or death situation. I was waiting in the court yard with Ike, Link, Tooney, Robin, Lucina, Peach,Daisy, Samus, Pikachu, Marth, Shulk, Cloud, and Zelda. We were all waiting on Pit and I guess Pittoo. How he got Pittoo to leave his bed, I will never know.

"Palutena, is your friend coming or not?" Peach asked seemingly tired of waiting.

"Yeah he is...the only reason he is late is becuase he's bringing Pittoo along too."

She nods in understanding. We wait a while longer and then spot someone but it wasn't Pit nor Pittoo.

"Rosi!" Daisy and Peach yelled out as they hug tackled her then they seemed to feel guilty about something.



They yelled out with tears in their eyes.
I couldn't understand the two and I wasn't the only one as everyone that was invited watched the trio obviously confused as they talked in inhuman speeds. I looked towards Rosalina and she seemed to understand the two.

"It's ok you two..." She responed with a sheepish smile.

"No it's not, we are going to all hang out as friends and what good is that if we are missing one." They continued on but talking much slower.

"You guys do relize that even if you wanted to invite me you can't cause you didn't exactly exchange your phone information with me." The two froze in thought. And then started crying about that. Everyone were laughing at the their antics. It was as if a mother were talking to a couple of children with inhuman talking speed.

After a while I interjected into the conversation.

"So Rosalina, would you like to join us?"

"I would love to but I was really going becuase of Pichu and Luma. We plan to go shopping in closest town for things." Rosalina replies. I look behind her and see the Pichu and Luma playing behind her. I did I not notice them before.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, why don't we go with you?" Zelda replies.

"Ya, I mean it's not like we decided on what we were actually going to do." Link adds as Tooney shakes his head yes.

"I wouldn't mind taking a look at the artifacts and books while we are there." Robin adds. And everyone seems to add their opinion about it being a good idea afterwards.

"So it's agreed, we will all go shopping!" I yell out. Not long afterwards, Pit and Pittoo shows up.

"Took you two long enough!" I yell as I knock Pit and Pittoo over their heads with my fist.

They yelped in pain for a bit ad everyone laughed at the exchange. I then proceed to catch them up on everything.
Now that I think of it, Peach and Daisy forgot to exchange phone information with Rosalina again. Maybe I'll remind them about it later......


Here is next Friday's Chapter, enjoy!


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