Someone Cares

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*Samus's POV*

After counting and depicting weather everyone was here or not we finally left as the only person that was missing, Ike, showed up just as the carriages arrived. I can only guess that he lost track of time while searching for that missing camera.

We all boarded the carriages and they quickly took us all back to the University. I sat next to Ike and Daisy with Pikachu in my lap enjoying the pets I gave him. We agreed to discuss our common goal when we got back to the University and when everyone. disbursed in a light whisper to each other. Time seemed to fly by fast or was it just the carriage we we were in moving quickly. No matter what it was, we seemed to arrive at the university as if no time flew by at all.

As soon as the carriage came to a stop, I decided to get out first with Pikachu in my arms. Following me was Ike then Daisy. Students all bunched up and left in a very quick fashion as soon as they got off the carriages. I could only guess they all went to rest up and prepare for tonight's class.

We decided to wait till everyone was gone before we talkeed and stood of to the side watching as everyone left.
While waiting we saw Marth and Peach walking off together arm connected with arm as they continued to talk unaware of us watching.

Daisy seemed happy at first then she kicked Ike in the crotch area really hard sending him down to the ground.

"We could have had that as a picture for evidence against if you didn't loose my Camera, dumbass!" Daisy yelled out while stading over Ike looking towards him on the ground clenching his prized possessions in pain.

"Now Daisy...."
I begin as I put Pikachu down on the ground and begin to help Ike up.

"There is no need for violence. You heard what was said, no training is allowed at the moment. Besides, Ike is human.... he makes mistakes. Just like you."

"But we could of had evidence to use aginst them by now if it weren't for him!"

"And we could have had a new helper in our cause if you didn't almost drown him and leave him for dead."

Daisy looked ready to counter that but couldn't seem to find words to do so. she decided to cross her arms and grunt in defeat after a minute of trying.

"I'm just gonna go to my room now since it seems like we have nothing to talk about at the moment. I have to go find another damn camera anyways." Daisy replied with a wave of a hand and walked towards the direction of the school.

"Daisy!" I hear from a familiar voice behind me while I was watching Daisy leave.

It was Sonic's voice and Daisy seemed to recognize it too cause she went into a full on sprint towards the school as Sonic began to chase her down.

After she and Sonic disappeared, I decided to help Ike up. Pikachu wanted to try and help too but being short didn't help him much.

"Thanks Samus." Ike started as soon as he had the strength to stand on his own feet again.

"No problem, just try to avoid ticking Daisy off again in the near future if you want to continue to keep your prized jewels intact." I say with a smile and a light chuckle.

"I think that I've figured that much out already. Thanks for the warning though." Ike laughs out as Pikachu climbs him till he's on Ike's shoulder.

Pikachu looked him up and down, probably checking to see if he was ok then nuzzled him in happiness.

"Aww, Pikachu cares. At least someone cares!" Ike yells out as he starts to pet Pikachu.

"Who said no one cares, you just can be too much of a flirt for anyone to handle. It can get annoying." I tell him while beginning my walk back to the school.

"I am not that big of a flirt! Am I?" Ike questions as he follows behind me.

"Yeah you are."

"Well then, what would happen if I was less of a flirt then?" Ike asks still following but closely behind me.

"Mhmm, I'd say you'd probably become more bearable to some of the ladies in the class." I say as I stop near the entrance to the school to look at him while we continue to talk. Plus he's still got Pikachu on his shoulder. I can't leave without Pikachu.

"Oh really, and what would you think?" Ike asks still drawing closer.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I begin to back up until I am stopped by a wall behind me and pinned between the wall and Ike. He was so close and invading my personal space by a lot.

"I mean would someone as pretty as you date someone like me if I could change that part of me?" Ike asked. I could hear his breath quicken.

My heart beat so fast in my chest and I could begin to feel what might be a blush on my face. I didn't know what to say or do. There were no words as to how I could describe this moment right now.

Ike seemed to think he knew as he began to lean his face closer to mine to touch lips with me for a kiss. For some reason, I was just about to give in and accept it too.

Thankfully though, Pikachu saved me by using Thunder bolt on Ike. Ike went right back down to the ground as Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and onto mine with an angry look towards Ike.
I of course had to help him towards the nursing office in the school cause Ike seemed to be unconscious after that. I am just thankful now though that Pikachu seems to be the jealous type.

Hope you all enjoy the chapter!


Poor Ike, lmao!

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