An Angry Jigglypuff

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*Peach's POV*

"Thanks for walking me back to my dorm Marth, I had a fun time shopping with you." I said then put my shopping bags down. I pulled him into a hug and he happily accepted.
After what seemed like a while, I withdrew towards my dorm and he began his walk backwards towards his own dorm still facing me.

"I'll see you tonight at class, Peach!" Marth yelled back with a huge smile.

"Ya! See you then!" I yelled back and then went inside my dorm with my shopping bags, closing the door behind me.

I let out a happy sigh and dropped my bags. I continued towards my bed and plopped on it.


I jumped up at the sudden noise of my dorm partner causing me to sit up to face her.

"Oh Jigglypuff! I thought you were still out singing to people! I didn't know you would come back so soon!"

"Jigglypuff..." Jigglypuff replied back not buying the attempt at avoiding whatever subject I was trying to hide.

Jigglypuff was usually back at around 7pm singing to people till they slept and then drawing on their face with a dry erase marker as a prank. I didn't mind her doing it at all as long as she never did it to me. I guess I couldn't really use that as an excuse today though since she wasn't out and about doing that today. She instead decided to stay at the dorm as to not waste any energy for tonight's class.

"Jiggly- jigglypuff!"

I looked at Jigglypuff who seemed to want to know why I was so happy. Thankfully, I am able to avoid that subject by pretending that I don't know what she is saying. I mean I don't ever usually know what she is saying.
In the midst of me pretending, Jigglypuff stopped and gave me a really evil-looking look. Then continued onwards towards the door. "Hm,I guess she gave up." I shrugged off and made my journey towards my phone that was located in a shopping bag then back to my bed so I can text Marth.

Peach: Watch out for Jigglypuff! She is angry and I am pretty sure she has a marker!

Marth: Thanks for the heads up but I am pretty sure I am fine.

Peach: Why do you say that?

I wait a long time for Marth to text back so I get up and try on the dress I just bought. It was pink with some nice golden thread and designs to line it. It had some puffy sleeves and it was somewhat puffy at the bottom. To top it off it had blue gem in the middle of the breast area. It also seemed to come with a pair of long white gloves and earrings that matched the blue gem in the middle of the breast area on the dress.
I also tried on some nice pink low heels and lastly put on the crown I usually wear.
I admired myself up and down in a mirror I hung up the first day I got here. In my opinion, it looked really nice on me. I may have just found my new everyday outfit.
I threw my old dress in my closet as a spare then took out a new pink umbrella I bought from another one of the bags. I admired it for a moment and looked to see if any damages occurred to it on the trip back.
After finding out there were none to be seen, I placed it off to the side and disposed all of the shopping bags into a trash can I had set near my bed.

I picked up my phone to see that Marth still didn't text back, but as I was beginning to put down my phone again, it went of.

I tured it on to find a picture of an angry Jigglypuff with a marker in one hand and the other stretched out to hold the phone. Behind Jigglypuff was a sleeping Marth with drawings all over his face. One drawing was something inappropriate, the other was a rainbow and the last one I could see was of a sad face.

I was shocked to see this, then another message was sent.

Marth: Can you understand me now, bitch?!

I think I may have to apologize to not only Marth later but also Jigglypuff.

I turned off my phone and began my hunt to find the sleeping Marth and the angry Jigglypuff. It of course didn't take long and I had to call the toads to rush Marth to the nursing area where apparently Ike was too. Ike looked like he just got hit with a Lightning bolt.
I guess it serves him right for flirting with every girl on the campus.

After seeing to it that Marth made it to the Nursing area, I met up with Jigglypuff to apologize and began to explain everything along with some secrets too about what is happening with me and Marth.

I mean it's not like anyone can actually understand Jigglypuff if she does leak any of these secrets, right?

Happy Memorial Day All!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Also, Ike does eventually recover from the shocking experience he went through!

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