Fighting Ridley

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*Samus's POV*

We all fought in our group for what seemed like close to two hours. Peach seemed to already start tiring out and for once Ike was taking something serious as he battled Pikachu with a lot of effort. But no matter what kinda face he put on or how he acted, I knew that he was also tiring out along with Pikachu.

I sat on the side judging the fight with Peach, both of us tired from the previous fight against each other.

Just as the two looked to have finished the fight, a loud shriek erupted from the sky in the distance causing all of us to stop fighting and look in the direction it came from.

There was Ridley who seemed to get angry at the sight of the school and all of us.

Anger-filled he shot fireballs down at Link and his group who dodged it  effortlessly but Ridley charged and grabbed Lucina lifting her up into the air.
Just as Robin was about to do something about it, Ridley tossed her into him causing him to stop any spell he was about to do.

Ridley was about to charge again but was stoped by barriers that formed around him.

"Samus, I believe the rest is up to you and your group now." The teacher simply stated.

Ridley got angrier, not happy that he was unable to touch the school or it's students.

"Alright! Let's do this!" I yelled out and we all charged into the barrier ready to attack Ridley.

Ridley noticed this and landed on the ground with a large bang leaving behind a small crater as he charged also ready for a fight.

"Watch out!" I yelled out to my group as I jumped over Ridley already knowing that he was looking to grab someone.

Everyone heard and everyone jumped out of the way except Ike who slashed Ridley with his blade causing him to stop his charge. Ridley then spit fire at Ike which he countered but was unable to get a hit at Ridley cause he dodged into the air.
Taking that moment Pikachu jumped after Ridley and used a Thunderbolt causing him to get flung back down to the ground with sparks around him.
Peach took this chance to booty bump him towards my direction and I took my change to use my gun with it's whip-like feature and fling him into the air and then chasing after him with a double kick to try and finish him off but Ridley predicted it and grabbed a hold of me by the throat while flying in the air. He then proceeded to fly down and drag me on the ground causing a whole bunch of pain and what would probably soon be bruises and blood. Ike was able to stop him from dragging me but he only lifted me up into the air again and decided to throw me into the oncoming Ike.

Peach saw this as a chance and jumped in the air and did one final booty-bump as Ridley spit fire towards her. Both attacks landed and Peach ended up on the ground unconscious  somewhat singed and Ridley was sent flyng. Pikachu took it's chance as he charged into Ridley in the air causing Ridley to hit the barrier and bounce off it onto the ground. Ridley was just about to get up but Pikachu made sure to finish the fight with a Thunderbolt knocking him Unconscious.

Meanwhile I stood up and Ike watched me worryingly as I did. Blood soaked the back of my suite and sleeves and I could feel bruises all over as I walked towards the unconscious Ridley. For some reason though, instead of pain, I felt relief and joy. We won our very first fight.

"I wouldn't celebrate yet, Samus!" The teacher yells out as she takes down the barrier and points in a direction behind me.

I look back and see a still unconscious Peach with slight burns on the ground. Marth along with four aid toads from the nursing area ran past me in a hurry to help. I guess the teacher called them in, knowing we'd need them. I followed along with a Pikachu who climbed on my shoulder mid-run and Ike behind me.

The two of the toads picked Peach up and began their journey towards the nursing area to treat the unconscious Peach.

"Will she be ok?" I asked one of the toads worried.

"Yes, she will be fine. She will just need a bit of medicine and bandages." The toad answered cheerfully.
She then looked between us and Marth.

"If you want, you can all visit her whenever you want. Just don't cause any trouble, ok?" We all gave the toad a slight smile and I looked towards Marth and he gave me a slight smile back.

"Would you lot like to join me?" He asked as the toads ran ahead.

"Ya sure! It would give us all a chance to treat our own wounds." I answered as I took a smiling glance at Pikachu on my shoulder and Ike standing behind me. They both gave a smile back in response as we began our walk to the nursing area.

And again! I forgot to publish a new chapter on Friday!

I ask again for forgiveness from all of you!

I got a little caught up in playing Crash: Nitro Fueled on PS4....

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!


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