It Was Just A Dream

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*Pikachu's POV*

I woke up from what seemed like an all too real dream. In the end though, I should have known it was just a dream. It hasn't been a day since Samus and them were missing, it has been a week. Classes were cancelled all week due to it.
Peach is awake but she is upset on the disappearance of not only Marth but her best friends too.
We were able to locate the location of where the villians maybe hiding them but by the time we stormed the castle, they were gone. The castle had been cleared out along with the dungeon area.

"Your up?" A voice called out interrupted my thoughts. I looked towards the location of the voice and their sat Pichu on the other bed in Samus's and my dorm.

Pichu is in the same boat as me. We both are missing someone close to us. We both also lost them while sleeping.  Luma is also suffering too, but for some reason Luma disappeared. Lucario mentioned something Luma said about 'getting help' but we were all unsure as to what that meant. Lucario is doing the best he can but he said that Rosalina's telepathic communication got cut off somehow.
On occasion I see Lucario go out on runs and I think he does it to catch either a sign of communication or one of the missings aura.

"You had another dream about saving them, didn't you?" Pichu cut in after a long moment of silence. I nodded and looked down.

"Masterhand said that they are doing the best they can, but I don't think their best is good enough anymore." I say with a sigh.

I hop off Samus's bed and on to a nightstand and look out the window.

"I understand....maybe we can go looking for them though!" Pichu suggested trying to lighten up the mood.

"How are we supposed to do that? Any clues we have on them the teachers have and they won't allow us to go looking for them in fear that more of us will go missing or even find us dead." I say dismissing it.

"I guess your right..." Pichu replied back with a hint of sadness in his voice.

I continued to stare out the window at the night sky. I guess I woke up in the middle of the night again. Ever since Samus went missing, I haven't been able to sleep a lot.  I guess I must be really lacking sleep, cause it looks like one of those stars a flying straight down at me.

"Bang!" Is all that's heard throughout the room as a star makes contact with the window. Me and Pichu jump at the very sound.  It was Luma! Luma backed up rubbing it's top point as if it was rubbing his head in pain then lets out shrieks of joy wanting us to let him in.

I unlock the latch on the window then opened it letting Luma in. As soon as Luma entered, it started bouncing and dancing around in glee. It faced towards me and started to shriek and then did the same thing towards Pichu.

"Um, Luma...we can't understand you anymore..." Pichu said causing Luma to stop it's rant. Luma looked at us confused. I guess I forgot that if we can't understand Luma, Luma can't understand us.

Luma looked around the room and picked up a white board  and dry erase markers that was discarded somewhere on my side. It then wrote something down on the board and showed it to us.

White board:

"I may have an idea as to where we can find our friends!"

My eyes went wide and I snatched the whiteboard from Luma's hand... I don't know. I erased and wrote down on it.

White board:

"Really?! How?!

Luma then took the board and erased what I put on it. Then he drew a star with two eyes. That must of meant that he had help from others like him.

I couldn't believe it. We might actually have a way to get them back.

"So this means, we can go looking for them now?!" Pichu asked happiness rising in his voice.

"Not yet! We are gonna need help from others...We are not capable of pulling off something like this by ourselves..." I said pausing before continuing on.

".....but first, it's going  to get really annoying communicating through white board. Let's go see Lucario about all of this." I say throwing down the white board and marker then making a gesture for Luma to follow me.

Luma understood and followed me and Pichu but not till after he closed the still open window that I was watching the stars from earlier.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
More on the way still so hope you all are ready.

Oh and I did like about the font in the last was meant to show it was a dream!


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