Chapter 12

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She is in a ball on the bed clenching her stomach tightly "IT HURTS IT HURTS" she yells at the top of her lungs.

I quickly pick her up off the bed and rush down the stairs and carefully Lay her in the backseat on my black Camry and head to the closest hospital.

I lift her out of the back seat and run into the hospital.

They get her a bed immediately and take her to the back, I run beside the bed and she holds my hand tightly

"I'm scared kimba" she says tears Rolling down her cheeks

"don't be scared babe, they are only here to help you" I say wiping her tears and kissing her forehead gently.

They set her up and hook her up to a bunch if machines and the nurse pushes on cheryl right side

"owwwww" cheryl screams and the nurses eyes get wide

The nurse screams for the doctor to take this test of a word I cant even remember and Cheryl is wheeled away.

The doctor brings her back minutes later with a test and a worried look plastered on his face.

"Whats wrong with me?" Cheryl asks nervously

"mam you have appendicitis"

"what does that mean?" Cheryl asks furrowing her eyebrows

"it means your appendix is gonna burst which means we need to get you to surgery right away" he says and cheryl looks at me nervously

"you will be fine babe don't worry" I say trying to reassure her and she is wheeled out of the room, I sit in the quiet all white room just me and my own thoughts.

Around 3 hours later the doctor comes in and I shoot out of my chair

"how is she!?" I say loud but nervous

The doctor smiles at me "take a seat ms Walsh"

I do as she says and wait anxiously for the news of how the surgery went and if Cheryl gonna be ok.

"She was very lucky, her appendix was ready to burst and if you would of not brought her to the hospital within 5 minutes that you did theres a pretty good chance she would not be with us right now"

"wow I'm glad I brought her, how is she doing?"

"We removed her appendix and she is gonna be in some pain but within a couple days she should be back to her normal self"

"thats great, can I see her?"

"Of course wait here we will bring her in" I nod and the doctor leaves, A couple minutes later they wheel her in and shes still asleep.

I hold her limp hand in mine and stoke it gently with my thumb. Her eyes soon flicker open and she smiles at me

"your gonna be okay Chezza" I say and hug her

"thank you kimba" she says and I hear a muffled sniffle

"why are you thanking me?"

"You never gave up on us, you stuck with me through thick and thin when everyone else left. You put up with all my nightmares and my drama, and nobody else could. You helped me get away from Ashley and you have had my back through it all. You make me feel good about me self, you give us hope and you saved me life multiple times. Without you I would defenlty not be where I am today. You give us strength kimba, you showed me to never give up and I love you to the moon and back"

I wipe the tears rolling down my cheeks and hug her tightly

"I love you so much chezza"

"love you too" she says and drifts off into a deep sleep.

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