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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"Wow, Mrs. Finch is really good at her job"

"Really, how so?"

"She opened my eyes into how mean I was to other people and how other people were treating me. Another persons perspective on life is what everyone needs"

"Wow she must have really made an impact..."

"Even better than I imagined"


"I guess I just gotta pretend that I didn't help at all"

"Wait, no you did"

"I needed someone to talk to in real life, like a real person"

"I am a real person"

"Not just over a screen. I needed real emotion stabilizing from an official"

"Now you just sound rude"

"You know I'm a person with feelings too, and that really hurt me that I felt like nothing to you. That you had to go to my aunt to seek professional help. It hurts to know that the person your trying to help doesn't want it. All I have to say is keep up to good work you asshole"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that talking to someone face to face would fuck up our relationship. My mom is DYING and I don't know if she'll ever recover. So, can you cut me some slack if I want to speak to an adult with a degree"

"Wait, did you just say that Mrs. Finch is your aunt??"


Anonymous TherapistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon