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She stared at the computer screen in front of her in awe, unsure of what to do.
A whirlwind of thoughts soon erupted: He can't know the true me. There's no way I can let me see him like this. He's giving you a chance. I'm kinda hungry. A guy like him could never be friends with you.
She picked up her phone and turned it on to check the time. It read 4:08.
One last thought come through: Is it worth it?
She had made up her mimd when she gave herself a nod and jumped out of bed.

He was at the statue, pacing back and forth. He went on a whim and believed she will come. A whirlwind of thoughts come over him: Why am I so stupid? She said she clearly did not want to come. Why do you force people to become friends with you?
He slumped in a bench, and pulled out his phone. It read 6:01.
He put his head in his hands as he sighed. He wasted his time, another friend that's disappointed in him, another -
His thoughts were silenced by a tapping on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw shoes. Sandals to be exact. He slowly looked up and saw that the sandals hosted a person, a girl.
She gave him a smile and her hand as she opened her mouth: "Hi, I'm Kathryn."

Well, it's finally done! My first ever short story is complete. Now I know like 2 people are gonna see this but I'm happy so whateva.
I wanted you guys to come up with an imagination of what the two characters looked,
like when they met. It feels like whenever I think of how someone looks, the author gives a total different photo and it throws me off. So I'm letting all 2 of my readers think for themselves.
Hope you have a good day!!

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