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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"Hey, I kinda need someone to talk to right now."

"I'm bored."

"You're talking to me because...you're bored? This has never happened before"

"You've never had a covno on this website?"

"Most people use it for strictly advice only"

"But, don't get the wrong idea, I love speaking...well typing to someone new and starting a conversation with someone"

"Pretty cool bro."

"School is giving me lots of stress. Especially math. And social studies. Ugh."

"It's the weekend. Can we stop talking about school and talk about something else? Like movies"

"Ok, lol. Are you seeing a movie this weekend?"

"Ha, how'd you guess? Yes, I'm seeing Beauty and The Beast with my friends tomorrow"

"What a girly girl."

"I love Disney but I'll probably make fun of it with my friends. I'm not a totally girly girl. I am a fan of Star Wars and the Avengers"

"Avengers?! Wow, what a nerd...."

"I'm kidding by the way..."

"Well, what are you likes and interests? If you think I'm a nerd, I'd like to hear what you watch"

"If you're sooooo interested, I don't really watch TV a lot but when I do, I watch Modern Family and American Ninja Warrior and my ex forced me to watch Gossip Girl if that counts."



"I've seen the Avengers but I'm not a huge fan. Whose your favorite?"

"Iron Man obviously"

"Would you get mad if you said my favorite Avenger was the Hulk?"

"Not at all. The Captain America's and us Iron Man's have a feud but not the Hulk lovers"

"I wouldn't want to feel your wrath...lol"

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