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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"I'm bored.....what's your favorite color?"



"Geez, can a person get some peace and quiet around here."

"If your seriously wondering, my favorite color is turquoise."

"Lol, most people do this colors of the rainbow as their favorite color"

"Like mine is red, my ex's was purple"

"What's your favorite season?"

"What is this 20 questions?"

"It could be"

"Favorite season.....has to be spring. Mostly because it's so nice out and it's not too humid and it's my birthday season as well."

"Hey, that's my birthday season too"

"Well, next question...."

"Um....but last time I remembered, 20 questions is when two people ask questions, not just one."

"K damn"

"What do you like to do when your bored?"

"I like to relax, watch television, hang out with friends at the mall and sleep"

"Sleep...? Like nap? Hahaha"

"Kinda yeah..."

"My turn, what's your name?"

"I can't tell you that, it's anonymous therapist not lemme give my name out to the whole nation so people can hunt me down and kill me."

"Easy there"

"Well, come up with another question because I will not answer it."

"Are you kidding? Seriously? There could be other people in the world with your name, it's not like I'm asking you for your full name"

"You could have a basic name like Emily. I know 10 Emily's, not even joking"

"And this is a private conversation"

"Still, I don't know if your some old guy or some guy in the secret service or..."


"I don't know where that came from...."

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours"


"Haha alrighty then, where do you go to school?"


"I'm just kidding, do you have any pets?"

"Yup, one cat and one fish."

"What's one thing you like about school?"

"One thing I like...."

"It'll have to be some of the teachers. Sometimes, I can just have a real talk with the, and they'll talk to me like I'm not younger or just a student. They talk to us like we're adults and treat us like them too"

"What grade are you in?"

"Ugh...I'll actually answer this one."

"I'm a junior in highschool."

"Really? So am I"

"One last question, are you good in math?"

"I'd lie, to think so. I've taken honors math since 9th grade but I'm too afraid to take the AP classes....why?"

"Because I'm going to need a tutor in math. Math is the worst for me and I'm going to ask for your help now." 

"Fabulous, do I get paid?"

"I don't think I can make a transaction over computer"

"Damn, I'll have to reconsider"

"Gotta go, food is awaiting my stomach. See ya later."


Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now