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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"I need help, serious help."


"I think I just made the most dumbest mistake of my life..."

"Tell me now"

"I got back together with her."

"Oh no.."

"oH nO...OH NO..."

"What made you do it?"

"Well, I was having withdrawals and I still kinda loved her and she told me she hate the way my friend (the one that took her from me) was treating her and she had those sad eyes and texted me one night saying that she missed me and that she needs me and I complied and said yes...but I'm regretting it so much."

"That's hard bro"

"But seriously, it's not real love you're feeling. It's infatuation, fake love, temporal love"

"Unless, you do love her...but that's rare. To find the one you love so early on in life"

"Do you think I love her?"

"You are supposed to know your own feelings...I can't tell you these things lol"

"Ugh, I don't know what to do..."

"Gosh, I hate feelings."

"Honestly, same. They are very confuzzling"


"Oh, c'mon. You've never used that saying before"

"Apparently, I have not."

"Boys. *sigh* it's a mixture between confused and puzzled"

"Oh...that makes sense now..."

"Did you just sigh over computer?"

"Actually, I'm on my phone but yes, I do that when I'm texting as well. People can actually know my emotion with those asterisks" 


"Okay, now that we've got over the awkwardness, I'm really sorry about what I said a couple months back. It was a shitty move on my part, just to assume that you thought of me like everyone else. Especially when your asking for help...which is what this site is for. So...yeah"

"Apology accepted."

"I kinda missed this."

"Yeah, me too. It got into such a rhythm that I would check the site everyday and be really sad when I saw nothing and start crying because I overthought the whole situation"

"I can't cry, I'm in public...damn it"

"Where are you?"

"At the doctors office, I have to get checked for my diabetes"

"You have diabetes?!"

"Hereditary...but yeah."

"It's not bad, don't worry. Just gotta check my cholesterol and sugar levels"

"Gotta go, they called my name...see ya later"

"See ya"

"What is your name? You've never told me...I wanna knowwww"

"Kaitlyn...Jill...Veronica...can I have a hint?"

Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now