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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her


"Ugh, again with the late night parties"

"Nooo, broooo. Im goooood"

"Read this okay."

"Go to bed. Sleep for a while. Stop thinking about her. She did you wrong, okay? You don't deserve someone like her. You deserve someone who is caring and will never let you go and will stay forever and through the bad times. Okay? Now you won't remember this. (Maybe you will, maybe you won't) So it's best if you sleep so you can feel better in the morning"

"Sleeeeppp. Nahhh. I was just hanging with my friends and doing...ya know, guy stuff"

"It's best for you to sleep"

"Ya know, I really like talking to you too. You help me bro. You...like get me"


"Don't worry, I know you like meeee. A lot of people do"

"Who ever said I liked you? I said I like talking to you not I like you?"

"You think I'm just like ever else hmmm?"

"Gosh, you think I'm like every other basic bitch in the world who will eat your face out if you've got abs. Well listen up, I will NEVER be like them. So, if your looking for some bimbo blonde who is dumb as bricks, you're looking in the wrong place mister"

"Whatever, I'm done here. Thank god this is your drunk self and not your actual self because I would stop talking to you in an instant"

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