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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"How do apply for a job?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Well, I don't really know how to apply for a job since I need to get some cash. So I'm asking you...got any ideas?"

"Um...you could get hooked up with a friend. Or find a camp near you if you're good with children. Or just apply at McDonald's, they take everyone"

"Do you have a job?"

"I work at my moms bakery and steal some tips because she doesn't pay me too well"

"Also, that doesn't pay the bills and I try to help as much as possible"

"Is that why you made this account? To help others?"

"The little thoughts count as they say. If I can make someone happier, then I accomplished something"

"That's very kind."

"What can I say, I'm a pretty kind person"

"Sooo, you're still not going to tell me your name?"

"I don't know if you read the label but it says ANONYMOUS therapist"

"I'm done here"

"Wait, don't leave."



"A hint would be nice."

Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now