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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"Hey, just reminding you that I made it out alive and well from the party"

"But you didn't use my advice"


"Nate, how will you become your own person if you keep latching on to your friends when you're in distress?"

"I don't have to follow your advice all the time ya know"

"Okay, well you came to me for advice and I gave you good advice, but you didn't follow my advice"

"Am I speaking to the same person?"

"First of all, I'm not in 'distress' I just need time away from my friends. And I didn't think that meant all the time, like I can't hang out with my friends at parties or the mall or at school. Is that what you wanted? For me to be a hermit and to live my life alone?"

"Ok...I just I was being a little too literal with my own advice"

"You didn't have to be a sassy"

"Like I just woke up"

"I apologized...freaking accept my apology and move on"

"God, we're fighting like children over stupid things"

"How can I move on when I already have so much stress in my life? My mom isn't looking too well, my dad and my aunt are just covering her medical bills, my friends haven't been too nice to me, my girlfriend broke up with me a week ago, my grades are slipping, and you're telling me to move on?!"

"I think I need a minute"

"I wish I can hug you right now"

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