12 0 0

Regular: Him
Italicized: Her


"Oh my god, it's really late where I live. Please get off your computer and go to bed"


"At least answer in words"

"Oh, I just realized you're probably sleeping on the W key"


"Must be nice to be a easy sleeper, not being woken up by notifications. Like me"

"Should I stop spamming so you can wake up or wait until the morning?"

"Damn, looks like I need my own website to help me out with my (nonexistent) problems"


"I'm up."

"Groggy, but up."

"You must answer my questions of my assumptions of what happened to you ok?"

"Ugh, my head hurts like a bitch."

"You already answered my first question. Great. Do you remember much about a couple of hours ago?"

"I remember being at a party with my friends and we were having a lot of fun until my ex came and I remember talking to her but nothing else."

"Oh god, that's bad. Well last and final question, was there alcohol? Lots of it?" 

"There were shots and beer pong which I played...I think. And beer and liquor and..."

"I can't even believe your typing right now"

"What happened (probably) was that you went to a party, saw your ex. Maybe with another guy, or girl I don't judge. You flipped out because you still love her and she doesn't. You got pretty drunk and walked home. Unless you can drive then you did something illegal. Nice"

"The whole shindig is pretty cliché if you ask me"

"Annndd your asleep again"

"I really like talking to you. I hope you know that"

"Good night"

Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now