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Regular: Him
Italicized: Her

"Hey, you said your good in math...right?"

"Hello...please answer."

"I need you, please."

"Don't give me with the 'I need you' crap"

"Wait, what time is it where you live?"

"It's 4:36...why are you asking?"

"So I can tell if you're drunk texting me or not"

"Oh shit, did I talk to you while I was drunk?"

"Yup. You said some pretty strange things too"

"I'm sorry. It's just been hard for me lately."

"Yeah?! Well, you're not the only one who has problems here. And beer should not be the answer to those problems"

"What the hell? I said I was sorry."

"You also said that I like you"

"That was drunk me. You've been to parties. You know when people get drunk different personalities come out of different people."

"Actually, I have only been to one party..."

"Wait, really? Then how do you know so much about them?"

"I mean, I kinda don't. I try to give the best advice possible to people with party problems so...yeah"


"I kinda thought you were someone popular who goes to parties a lot because you know a lot about them."

"Well, it's kinda cliché so"

"And lol, there you go again with the thinking I'm like everyone else"

"Are you serious right now?"

"You know, I thought I would give another chance. Knowing that you didn't have a drop of alcohol in you, you would say the right thing or not some stupid thing but haha, you did anyway"

"This is why I don't let a lot of people in my life. Because they say what they want and think that the other person is fine and dandy with whatever. Can't believe I trusted you"

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"How would I know? We're not talking so I don't know what your tone of voice would be right now so how would I know? Things can be interpreted different over text" 

"I came here to ask you a question but your giving me a damn attitude."

"What about me trusting you? Trusting you with my problems? Trusting that you don't go to my school; trusting that you won't tell anyone; trusting that I could get solid advice back. I gave a lot of MY trust to you and you took it out the window because of some dumb thing I said when I was DRUNK. People do stupid stuff when they're drunk, I hope you understand that. So, I'm apologizing for my ass and the things I said and you're seriously treating me like shit right now. I can't believe I thought I could trust someone."

"Ok, now I feel horrible"

"I feel like shit. Crap, why do I always mess up everything I do?"

Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now