5 0 0

Regular: Him
Italicizes: Her


"Hi! What's up?"

"Can you give me advice on how to deal with other people?"

"Ah...in what context?"

"My friends are really trying to push me and my ex-girlfriend even closer together when I just want to stay away"

"And I have no clue why and it's bugging me"

"Well, I think that they want you to be together because you and her are in the same friend group. It's easier to be a couple when you hang around together all the time then to be apart"

"My best advice is to stay away from those friends until they respect you and your decisions"

"Ugh, my life just got even more complicated"

"Omg, why?"

"Francisco just asked me to go to a party"


"That's the thing, it's happening now"

"Then just say no"

"But I don't wannnnttt toooo"

"I'm in a party mood"

"Don't be a big baby and tell him no. This is the first step in trying to be your own person and not someone who is a follower their whole life"

"Come with me"

"I'm sorry...what?"

"To the party"

"Me and you. Like together"

"I'm not much of a 'party girl' so I'll think I pass"

"Why not? It'll be an experience you won't forget"

"1) I have no clue where this is
2) I have no clue who these people even are
3) I have no means of transportation
4) It's late and I like sleep
5) I will forget the experience if I blackout"

"Ok, damn I'll go by myself. Later"

"What?! No, that's no what I-"

"Aannnd you're offline"

Anonymous TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now