Episode 25

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Manager Kim drove you to the company for your meet up with Bang-pdnim. Knocking on his door, you heard him give you signal.

Bang-pdnim: Who is it?

You: It's Kim Taehyung.

Bang-pdnim: Come in.

You open the doors and greet him with a bow. You look to your right and find Red Velvet standing up to greet you.

You: Am I interrupting something?

Bang-pdnim: Ah, not exactly. We were about to end the meeting.

You: And why is SM's Red Velvet here in your very office?

Bang-pdnim: This is advanced but, BTS and Red Velvet are making a surprise performance on stage. I was going to tell Namjoon about this later, but it seems like your here enough to give them the message.

You: Suddenly?

Bang-pdnim: We'll talk later. If you may escort the ladies first.

You: // Bows //

You gave them a proper gesture to go out first. You were behind them and continued to until you were outside.

Joy: Hm? Where's the van?

Yeri: Maybe Manager-nim parked it for a while?

Irene: I'll call him, get inside the building before they know it's us.

We all went inside and I got a phone call. You get your phone out of your pocket after they sat down at the couch by the window.

You: I'll take this phone first.

You answer the phone call and walked a few steps away.

You: Yes?

Seokjin: Yah, where are you? We're about to practice at the company.

You: Manager-nim didn't tell me there were practice.

Seokjin: Yeah well there is.

You: Alright alright. Just bring me extra clothes here.

Seokjin: What do you mean?

You: I'm at the company already. Ask me later. I'll hang up. // End Call //

You put your phone back at your pocket. Before you even went back, Wendy noona tapped your shoulder.

Wendy: Let's talk.

She headed far more from the other Red Velvet members.

You: What is it noona?

You said politely.

Wendy: Let me ask you one more time. Is your dating scandal with Joohyun unnie true?

You hesitated on telling her the truth, but the more people know about it, the more it will be a bigger risk.

You: I'm telling you, it's true. Noona, are you telling me that we don't suit each other

Wendy: Yah it's not like that.

She insisted.

Wendy: It's just that-it doesn't make sense at all. I've seen you mourning for his death. And you and Jonghyun are closer than Yerim and him. So why would you be dating someone when someone just died??? And I've witnessed it. Did you forget? I was there. It wasn't a date that the paparazzi caught. We were three when we were eating at the restaurant. Then why did you confirm the dating scandal? If you were me, do you think it would make sense???-

You: Noona. If were to tell you that we dated before Jonghyun hyung died, would you believe me?

Wendy: W-What? W-What do you mean by that?

You: We started dating before Jonghyun hyung even died. Look. I don't mean to give you a bad intention but-The confirmation is just pointing out the facts....

???: Taehyung-ah!

You heard a very familiar voice calling you from behind.

You: Seokjin hyung?

Seokjin: Yeah, we just arrived-Oh, hello. // Bows // Your manager told me to call you along with Taehyung. The car's there.

Wendy bows to both of you and goes her way. She left which made your faking finally get out of you.

Seokjin: What are you doing? Let's practice.

You: A-Ah.. right.

-- Irene Pov | At the van --

Your Thoughts: What did Seungwan and Taehyung talk about??-No, why do I even care?-No, I have the right to get curious of what my team member and another idol.
You: Seungwan-ah, what did you talk about with Taehyung.

Seungwan: Hm? A-Ah, j-just something here and there... // laughs awkwardly //

Your Thoughts: What the..? Why won't she tell me? Are they a thing or what? What's their relationship anyway-Wait a second, why would I even care? I don't care at all!

-- Taehyung POV --

You got everything settled with the contract and went your way back to practice. Opening the door, you saw them arranging the positions.

Hobi: Oh! Taehyung-ah, nice timing! We needed you in this position. Your in the center for this part of the song.

You continued practicing the dance and did what you had to do.

-- Episode 25 End --

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