Episode 24

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You had the last rehearsal for today's tour, and you've already noticed how determined Jimin was to excite the fans. His was practicing hard, along with Jin hyung. Last time it was Jiminie who experienced this, but now it passed down to Jin hyung. Everyone looked exhausted except for Hobi hyung. And as usual, he cheered the members up with his energy. Everyone worked hard, so I bet the performance is going to go well.

-- Time Skip --

You heard from the staff that the whole place was filled with fans. All you had to do was get your makeup done and you were to step up at the stage with them. As usual, all the members had black circles but were covered with the make-up. All of us tried our best to stay healthy for ARMY, but at the same time, we had to try our best to keep up with ARMY and return our debt.

???: 10 Mins! Get on stand-by. You stood up and went backstage with the members. The staff told you to be careful and you did your cheer.


You went at the trap-doors and all of you slowly lift up as your most recent title song came up. "DNA".

-- Time Skip >> Van --

The fan sign just ended and you finally got to take some rest. All of the members fell asleep except for you.

Manager Kim: Taehyung-ah, aren't you going to sleep? It was quite a big day.

You: It's alright, I'll take some rest back at the dorms.

Manager Kim: // Nods //

You looked outside the window and enjoyed Seoul. Hearing a vibration from your pocket, you got distracted and brought out your phone.

*1 Message from Seungwan-ssi*

You looked at the message and red her text.

<< Wendy: Taehyung-ssi, we need to talk. >>

<< You: What is it? >>

<< Wendy: It's about the scandal. No matter how hard I think about it, it doesn't make sense at all >>

<< You: ???  Why is that? I mean, we confirmed it sooo..  why grow suspicious? >>

<< Wendy: I saw you hiding at the washroom. You were mourning yet you date? This has to be a joke. >>

<< Wendy: It's not real is it? >>

<< Wendy: Taehyung-ssi. >>

<< You: Don't worry. It is real. >>

<< Wendy: Exactly. That's why I'm worried. I'm worried if it really is real. >>

<< You: This sounds harsh but you're worrying for nothing, noona. I'll make Irene noona happy if that's what you're worried about. >>

You shut down your phone and looked back at the window. The car stopped and you woke up the other members. Manager Kim opened the door, and all of you walked towards your rooms. Walking to your dorm, you received a call immediately. "Bang-pdnim" You immediately answered it, asking what's the news.

Bang-pdnim: Taehyung-ah, after your tour, come over to the office. You don't have any other schedule on the day after, right?

You: Yes, what is it about?

Bang-pdnim: A magazine is about to publish and their theme is celebrity couples. They personally requested your couple to be included in their headline. Are you okay with that?

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