Episode 23

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Seulgi: Hol...

She said blankly.

Seulgi: Are you sure???

You: // Shakes Head // I'm not sure... But whenever I see him, I get excited and my heart just pumps like crazy...

Seulgi: Wa~ I guess it's true. Daebak.

You: But don't tell anyone alright?

Seulgi: Of course! I'm not that stupid! ...But, what are you going to do now?

You: // Sigh // I should start removing it before it gets worse.

You stopped staring at the floor blankly and straightened your back.

You: Common! Let's get back to work!

You stood up and stretched.

-- Taehyung POV --

After shooting your new Run episode, you immediately took some rest back at the dorms. Suddenly, a notification popped up at BTS' chatroom.

<< Manager Kim: Guys! There's a recording today! I forgot to inform you about the news yesterday! Sorry! >>

<< Leader-mon: Ne!~ I'll inform the others >>

<< You: Ehey! Hyung, next time try not to forget. You're the manager of BTS. >>

<< Manager Kim: Really sorry! Here's the address! *****-dong >>

<< Your Hopbi: I'll inform Jimin once he gets out of the shower! >>

<< You: tmi hyung -.- >>

<< Your Hopbi: ^^ >>

You turned off your phone and woke up Yoongi hyung.

You: Hyung! There's song recording today! Wake up!

Yoongi: Aish... Five more minutes.

You: You only have one hour to dress up tho...

He woke up in an instant and went to the shower with his towel.

-- Recording Studio --

Namjoon, yoongi, and hobi hyung were sitting at the front to observe the room in front of them. Jiminie came up first and put on his headphones in the other room. Namjoon presses a button in front of him and speaks.

Namjoon: Can you hear me?

Jimin: Ne.

Namjoon: Alright, let's start at Verse 2.

As the recording goes, you play with Jungkook's phone since you left yours back at the dorms.

Jiminie: Taehyung-ah, it's your turn.

You stood up and gave the phone back to Kookie. You walk to the room in front and put on your headphones as you warm up.

Namjoon: For verse 1, you have to put on a raspy, deep voice. Since Hobi's going to make it raspier at the background, you shouldn't overdo it, alright?

You: Got it.

The recording went smooth as usual, but Jin had trouble with his voice since he was sick.

Hobi: Jin hyung, you're doing great but you have to get the right mood for the recording. Can you continue?

He stopped pressing the button.

Jin: I'll try my best.

The red button should to be pressed at times when you want to speak to the person in he other room. Suga hyung wasn't pressing it this time and talked to Hobi hyung and Namjoon hyung.

Hobi: What if he overdoes it and makes his voice worse?

Namjoon: He's right. Let's stop him from recording after this and we'll just shoot his parts tomorrow.

Yoongi: // Nods //

Hobi presses the button and holds it.

Hobi: Hyung, after this we'll stop recording for your part. Your voice might get in a much more bad condition.

Jin hyung shows an "ok" sign in agreement with their suggestion. In the middle of Jin hyung recording, you got a call from someone and checked the number.

Instead of answering it, you missed called it since you were in the middle of work. You got another call from the same person and Jiminnie got annoyed eith the sound.

Jiminnie: Yah. Just answer it, you never know, it might be urgent.

You sigh as a sign of giving in and eventaully went outside to take the phone.

You: Hello?

Irene: Hello? This is Irene.

You: Yes, what is it?

Irene: I was thinking if meeting up next Saturday, are you free?

You: Next Saturday?

Irene: Yeah, why? Are you occupied?

You: N-No, it's not like that. It's just... I have a schedule for the day after that day.

Irene: Oh, It's alright. We can meet another time-

You: No, no! I insist! I'll try to find a way. I'll call you when it's confirmed.

Irene: Oh uh... alright then. Thank you for tsking your time to talk.

You: No problem!

Irene: I'll get going now.

You: Have a nice day. // Ends Call //
Your Thoughts: Looks like she's going to do all the preparing.

You went back inside the Recording studio as if nothing happened.

-- Episode 23 End --

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