Episode 4

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You wake up with a new you. You do your daily routine and scroll through the web and kept finding the same scandal over and over again. The more you scroll, the more you get sick of it. So, you grab a mask and go to a convenience store to eat ramen. Opening the hot cup of noodles, you suddenly hear a ring at the door. At first, you didn't care to look. But at your second glance, you immediately recognize the figure.

You: Jimin! Over here!

He turns around shook and whispers to you.

Jimin: Are you crazy! Don't call me by my name!

You: Should I call you by your nickname back at high school?

Jimin: Worse!

You: // Chuckles //

Jimin sits down beside you with a protein bar he paid for.

Jimin: So~ What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be scrolling at the web like you always do?

You: Nah, I just decided to do something new. And I was also hungry.

Jimin: Then you should've asked for Jin hyung to cook for you.

You: This is way better than waiting for a meal.

Jimin: // Laughs // Oh. I forgot to ask you. How's your day going with Irene-ssi?

You: I hear the same question every day. But yours is more... jokingly?

Jimin: Hey hey hey. Don't answer with unnecessary answers. You know I hate it. And so do you.

You: Well.. so far, it's going well.
Your Thoughts: A lie.

Jimin: That's good then! As long as your happy, so will I.

Your Thoughts: But I'm not.
You: Ehey~ So much cringe!

Jimin: You don't like it?

You: Over my dead body.

Jimin: I'm trying to change my personality-

You: For Seulgi noona?

Jimin: What the-Ya!

You: Why?~ It's obvious. You talk about her most of the time. Dancing, singing, and stage appearance. I've almost memorized what she likes and what she hates because of how much you've talked about her. Stop joking around now, you like her, right? And now, you're asking me about my day with Irene-ssi so that you would tell me to ask her what Seulgi noona likes. Am I right or am I right?

Jimin: ... Was it that obvious?

You: For a quick-witted person like me, of course, it is.

Jimin: But about the second part-

You: What second part?

Jimin: // Sigh //  You really are getting me confused. You're sometimes quick-witted and sometimes slow-witted.

You: Hehe~

-- Meanwhile | RV's dorms <> Irene POV --

You wake up after a big interrupting noise.

Seulgi: Wake up~

You: // Yawns //  What time is it?

Seulgi: Time for you to wake up.

Seulgi walked out from your room and later, you followed along. You walked up to the dining table seeing the girls eating.

You: What's with the food today? Is there some special occasion?

Yeri: Oh, unnie accidentally put too much pepper then evened out with more ingredients.

Joy: No I didn't! I put more ingredients intentionally so that you could be more energized!

Yeri: Liar!

Just like every day, Yeri and Joy fighting while Seulgi and Wendy snooping around. As you sit down and eat the food, you receive a message from someone. Taehyung-ssi.

Your Thoughts: That just made me remind of what's going on. AND made me lose my appetite.
You: Girls, keep on eating, I'll head out and take a walk.

Seulgi: Hm? You barely ate.

You: Bye~

As you head outside, you receive another message from Taehyung. You checked your phone and decided to turn it off. After walking around places, you hear someone shout your name. You turn around and see Taehyung behind you.

Taehyung: So you were here? Why didn't you check my messages?

You: // Sigh // How'd you know I was here?

Taehyung: I was just in the convenience and store and saw you walking.

You: Are you sure you're not following me?

Taehyung: Of course I'm not! Right, Jimin?

Taehyung looked at his left and you followed his eyes. His eyes were pointed to the convenience store window with a person behind. Which was Jimin-ssi.

-- Episode 4 End --

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