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     In the beginning-- well almost beginning, there were two lonely gods. These gods sought out a utopia filled with peace. The two gods worked together and built the Earth. The Earth had no inhabitants on it, so of course, it was still quite lonely. The only things in sight was the brown soil that we walk on today. 

     One of the deity's suggested that they created underlings for them to rule over. They had thought over every animal that inhabits the Earth today. They made doves, whales, spiders, lions, dogs, lizards, everything. 

     Something still wasn't quite right, so the other deity probed that they should make different environments for each animal to live in. They made the jungles for the lizards, the savannahs for the lions, and every other creature. They made the ocean, they made deserts, valleys, forests, and many more.

     But these gods soon found out that they had forgotten a very important part of life. Comminication. None of these animals could speak, so they gave them speech in their own language. As you know, a piece was forgotten in the puzzle we call life.

     They searched for days and days for the something that was missing. Years went by and many improvements were made to the land. They had created more climates and even weather. They created geoligical events and biological events. 

    They were getting close to finding the thing that was missing.

    Suddenly, an idea popped into one of the gods wisdom filled brain. They had never thought of making an animal that could think and act like they could, maybe even speak the same tongue. The god rushed to find its sibling and told him with excitement on what his idea consisted of. When the god made sense of the other gods scrambling words it jumped around in excitement as well.

     They spent months creating this advanced creature. Only two were made, and they were polar opposites. One was female and one was male. The gods decided to experiment with the two creatures, they told them to never open the Book of Knowledge, if they did they would both be severely punished.

     As mankind was being tested, a forgotten god was stirring up an evil plan. He had heard of what the two gods created and had quite an interest in mankind. All he sought was destruction though. He concluded on disguising himself as a snake and tricking them into opening the Book of Knowledge, which happened to be a book made by this particular deity.

     He transformed into a snake and slithered into the setting where the two humans were at. He whispered horrible things to them and eventually convinced them to open the book. The woman and man both gripped their hands onto the cover of the Book of Knowledge and yanked it open.

     Inside was a curse of the evil deity's choice. He spit fire at them and blessed then with things we know as disease, pain, and other destructive things. The god left with no other words.

    Once the original gods found out, they stayed true to their word and told the humans punishment was. They were given the curse of emotion. These emotions would be hard to control and one of the most prominent emotions would be the worst. The gods had figured that since not all emotions were bad they needed a punishment that was equal to opening the book.

     They settled on love. You weren't able to see the color of your true love's eye color until you met them. One glance into their eyes and you'd be able to see all the shades you couldn't see before. This wasn't a bad punishment, but it was for people who'd never find their true love. They could be anywhere on the planet. 

     You would see a dark color before you met your soulmate, and that color is known as grey today. Color is a very useful tool and not being able to see an important shade could be life or death.

     Some people never find their true love.

     Some people do.

     Love is a scary thing, and who's to say that you don't fall in love with several people before you find the right one?

A/N: So this sucked and I might get rid of it if it proves to be useless for the plot of my story.

One Shade of Love (KilluGon/GonKillu HxH)Where stories live. Discover now