The Truth About It All

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-One Month Later-

"There's nothing to do today. It's so boring." Charles groaned and I stared at him for a moment.

Shaking my head, I looked at the ground as we were walking down the sidewalk. It was September, so it was a little chilly outside since it was fall.

Which was such a great mood because the heat was starting to get on my nerves. It seemed as though summer was not ending, making me upset.

The cold air felt amazing.

"How is Georgia?"

I nod, smiling at the ground. "She's great."

Thinking about that night I told her I loved her. Even though she was asleep, when she woke up I told her again and she was in complete shock.

She asked if I really meant it and I couldn't help but laugh and tell her that I really did mean it and I'll mean it for the rest of our lives.

I love Georgia and she loves me.

When I look up, I saw him watching me. He smiles. "That's good. How are you two?"

"Great." I saw him nod then I stared at him for a moment. "Why?"

He shrugs. "Just wanting to know. You never really talk to me about how you two are doing anymore. It's like your life completely changed and you forgot about me." He looks at me and I was about to say something but he starts laughing. "I'm joking. Damn, you didn't even have to say anything but I saw it in your eyes that you wanted to start a fight." He shakes his head. "Girls."

Punching his arm, I glared at him. "Shut up."

We continued to walk for a while. "This has been on my mind for a while, not sure why, but.." He looks over at me and I watch him, waiting. "That night Georgia was with Stella, sorry for bringing it up, but have you ever talked to her about what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Like, what really happened? I mean, you know they kissed, obviously, but I just wanted to know if you ever found out any other information about it." He chuckles.

I gave him a look. "Um, no. I don't think about it anymore. I've moved on from it. It's in the past. Who the hell hangs on that long over something?"

He chuckles. "Don't come after me. I'm just asking. It doesn't bother you? You don't think about it at all?"

I shrugged. "Not often. I don't want to think about it. It's in the past." I thought for a moment. "I mean, it's sometimes there. I would like to know what else happened, but like.. I don't want the past brought up. It's over and done with."

"I understand." He nods. "It's just a thought." He chuckles. "I was just thinking about it."

I stared at him. "Why?"

He shrugs. "Just thinking."

"I gotcha. I understand some people can't let shit go even when it happened so long ago. It's like.. they're hung up on the past when they should just move on from it. That's what I did. It's over and done with. I don't think about it anymore."

We continued to walk, talking about things. I knew that I was over all the shit that happened, but it couldn't hurt to ask about everything else in between.. right?


Georgia Kelly's POV

Kenna came in the kitchen and I smiled at her then closed my laptop tht was on the table. I watched as she sat across the table and smiled at me.

"Hey," She said. "how was your day?"

I nod, watching her. "It was good. How was yours?" She nods. "What did you do all day?"

She shrugs. "Just hung out with Charles. Went out to lunch with his family."

Smiling, I looked at her. "That's good."

She sat there, watching me. "Um.. I want to talk to you about something." I nod, waiting. "I know it's in the past but I was just thinking.. um, what happened that night with Stella?"

I stared at her for a moment before shrugging. "I thought we already went through this."

She slightly smiles then leans back. "I know, but we haven't really talked about other than.. yeah."

"Why are you so concerned now?" I wondered.

She shrugs. "Just in the back of my mind.."

I watch her for a moment, watching her eyes locking into mine. I slowly nod then sigh. "Um.."


Next thing I remember was her hovering over me and kissing my neck.

My senses kicked in not a second later and I quickly pushed her off. "Get the fuck away from me!"

I moved away from her as she was staring at me with a smile on her face. "That's not nice." She tilts her head.

"Leave now or I'll call the police." I said, standing up but soon was pulled back with her arm around my neck.

"Shhh.. don't be like that." She whispers. I grab her arm as she was holding a tight hold against my neck. "I brought you something." She moved a little then pulled her arm out towards my face, showing a knife. "Are you going to play nice?"

I shut my eyes and tried keeping calm. "Stella.. please." I took a deep breath then elbowed her in the ribs and quickly moved away from her.

She ended up pushing me to the floor and quickly getting on top of me. She held the knife over my neck and smiled down at me. "You love me, right?" She tilts her head.

I stared up at her, not knowing what to do. I forgot she was this way.. I forgot for a split second because she can be such a different person for a minute then changes in a heartbeat.

Fuck I'm stupid for ever believing she could change. Why did I let her into my house.

I watch as she leans up and unbuttons her pants. She smiles at me. "Let's just forget about everything for a moment."

"Stop!" I screamed.

She held the knife close to my neck and shushed me. "Don't be like that, Georgia." She smiles. "We're going to have so much fun.. you're going to forget all about that kid."

She started kissing my neck until I heard a knock on the door. She looks at me and holds the knife on my neck. "Laugh. Now. We're having fun. Nothing is happening."

I start laughing, forcefully as she stands up and holds her finger to her lips. "Smile." She winks as she walks away to the door.

I cover my face, wanting to cry.


I stared at her across from the table. She was looking away from me, tears in her eyes, avoiding eye contact.

My heart was racing.

My mind was everywhere else.

What the fuck did I just hear..

"I couldn't tell the police." She said. "Stella was watching me.. I couldn't say anything to anyone." She looks at me. "When you asked if I still had feelings.. I had to say yes. I was being watched and she would kill me if I said anything."

I shook my head and placed my elbows on the table. I watched her for a moment. "Georgia.. you could of told me.. the truth. We wouldn't have went through all the shit we did.. the police would have done something. Fuck what Stella was capable of doing."

She shook her head then looks down. "It's over with now."

I sigh as I watch her. "I'm so sorry Georgia."

She looks up at me for a moment. "Why?"

"I should of killed Stella when I had the chance."

Y'all didn't see that coming, did you? One more chapter and this book is coming to a close.

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