Not Ok

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I was paranoid all damn day. I couldn't concentrate on anything, besides what was waiting around every corner in this building.

I was losing my shit.

I still have no idea what the hell they wanted with Oliver. I really needed to find out, but most importantly, I'm hoping Mrs. Taylor does something about it.

I know the twins have this reputation around school. Nobody messes with them. They don't hang out with anyone, but themselves.

It's a little weird and scary.

I hardly ever see them around the school. I think they lurk in the shadows, waiting for trouble.

I just don't want to get involved with them. That's why I need to find out what they want with Oliver, cause I don't want him getting hurt.

The last bell rung and I was more than ready to leave this place. I haven't seen Oliver anywhere today and it concerns me. I just hope nothing happened to him.

I met Charles in the parking lot. I smiled when I saw him standing at his car. He smiles then leans off of it. "Hey."

I smile. "Hi." I look around for Oliver but didn't see him anywhere.

"Where have you been all day?" Charles ask, which makes me look at him. "I didn't see you this morning and I was busy between classes, so we didn't see each other then."

I shrug. "Just running around school."

"You're so weird, Kenna." He chuckles. "Are you going to Miss Kelly's house today?"

I shake my head. "No, why?"

He shrugs. "Just thought that's what you'd be doing now since you're dating."

I roll my eyes. "We agreed not to hang out during the week. We're hanging this weekend. Plus, we're not dating."

"Yet." He smiles. " But, I'm trying to process all of it."

I sigh. "Yeah, it's going to take some time to get use to. I'm still figuring out if this is real life or not."

He chuckles. "Alright, well I'll catch you later. Be safe going home."

"Bye, Charles."

I walk over to the bike rack and take my bike out. After I peddle out of the parking lot, I kept thinking about Oliver and the twins.

I really don't want to get involved with any of this, but Oliver is my friend and I care about him. I just need to find out what the hell was going on.

As I was minding my own business, I was suddenly knocked off the bike. I landed with a thud on the sidewalk then someone grabbed my arms and pulls me off the sidewalk and on the grass.

"Let me go!" I yelled. "Help!"

I couldn't see who it was, they had a hoodie on. They pulled me away from the sidewalk and between some houses.

They let me go then I quickly got up but was pulled back. They wrapped their arm around my neck. I tried prying their arm away, but they had a tight hold.

They whispered in my ear, and I instantly knew who it was.

"Don't fucking make a sound. Got it?"


I took a deep breath. "What do you want?"

He started chuckling and it was terrifying. "I want you to tell me where your little friend is. That's all. You bring him to me, then there won't be any harm done to you."

"What do you want with him?"

He sighs. "It's none of your business. Just do what I said or you'll regret every decision you've made in your life."

As soon as he let me go, I turned around and kicked him as hard as I could. He fell down and that's when I started running down the sidewalk, screaming.

I needed someone's attention, anyone.

I turned around and saw him running down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. They wasn't any use chasing him. I watched as he disappeared out of sight, leaving me confused.


"Are you ok?" Tyler asks as we were sitting at the table.

I couldn't eat. I was pushing my food around the plate. I nod as I look up at him. "Yeah, just tired."

"You still need to eat, Kenna."

I nod as I started taking small bites. I really didn't have an appetite, but knowing Tyler, he wouldn't let me leave until I ate.

After I ate as much as I could, I helped him clean then I went up to my room. I shut the door and laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling as thoughts were running through my head, constantly.

I sigh as I wasn't sure on what to do in this situation. I needed to talk to Oliver about everything. I need to pry it out of him or go to his mom and tell her everything instead.

I wasn't sure on what the twins were capable of doing, but I wasn't about to sit back and wait.


Georgia Kelly's POV

I threw the keys on my counter and poured me a glass of wine. I took a sip and looked out the window as it looks like it was about to rain.

The clouds were forming and the sky was getting dark, so I knew we were about to have bad weather.

I went to the living room, grabbing my bag in the process. I sat on the couch and begin grading papers. I sat my glass down and went over every students papers, marking the wrong answers, writing notes at the top to help them improve whatever places they were struggling.

I came across Kenna's and instantly smiled. I scanned her paper and nodded in approval. She was flawless when it came to her work. I placed a smiley face on the top and went to the other students papers.

After I was done, I leaned back and sipped my wine as I stared at the wall across the room. I looked around my house and thought about my life and everything that happened that brought me here.

I had a great childhood. Not many people can say that. My parents were very supportive of me no matter what, and for that, I'm blessed beyond measures.

My parents stayed together for as long as they could before passing away suddenly. I was only twenty when they passed. Not sure the cause of it, I guess old age.

They were never sick, hardly. Very active people. I guess it was just their time to go.

They were in their sixties. So, they were only in their forties when they planned on having a child.

They passed this house down to me before they passed. They signed everything to me in case of whatever reason. I'm glad they did, because they left so suddenly.

The house is already paid off. No payments. Just bills. It's not expensive, since I'm the only one living here. I hardly ever leave the lights on, so the bills aren't that high.

It's comfy to live by myself, but sometimes it gets to me since this was my parents house. It gets lonely sometimes but I try not to make a big deal out of it since I'm an adult.

Thinking about Kenna being here makes me happy. I like when she's here, even though that was the first time since she's ever been here. It was nice having company, but I would never tell her that.

I saw lightening flash through the windows then a few seconds later, I heard the thunder. I wasn't sure on how long this weather was suppose to last, but it looks like it's going to be bad.

I went ahead and did my nightly routines and got ready for bed. I was ready for tomorrow, so I could see Kenna.

But I was definitely ready for this weekend.

I knew that a lot of amazing things were coming for us and I couldn't wait.

Love, Miss Kelly [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now