Chapter Twenty Four

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"Have a good night you two," he said and walked away from me. I know, I know I shouldn't be so drawn to him, but I literally can't help it. I try and try to think of something else, and somehow my mind wanders back to him.

So I thought, what's the harm in seeing Preston?

Well... that was excatly what I did.

It's been about two months that Preston and I have been dating and honestly nothing has gotten my mind off Zach better than dating Preston. It's almost March, and Drew has gone back home already after missing much school, but still he has enough credit to pass this year since he's already accepted into NYU. Mel has started dating Royce and they are officially in a relationship. Jonah... well the night of New Year's Eve, he ended up fighting with his mystery girl, Sunni, and instead he hooked up with Layne who crashed the party with Jenna and Scar. So I wouldn't say that Layne and Jonah are in a relationship, more of a friends with benefits kind of thing.

Back to Preston... he knew exactly what he was getting into whenever he asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him how I felt about Zach because I wanted to be complete honest; no lies whatsoever. That's something me and Preston have in common.

We love to be honest with each other.

"You know you look incredibly sexy when you get out of the shower and have no makeup on," he says to me, as he snuggles up to the crook of my neck as I hopped on his king-sized bed.

Yeah, sometimes he can be a little too honest.

"Hmm? Why is that?" I ask giddily and he smirks.

"Because for one, you smell so refreshing, I could just... Mhm!" he says dramatically as he rests his head on my stomach, facing upwards. I just laugh at him and run my fingers through his hair, "that feels nice," he says quietly and I continue. We stay quiet for a few minutes before Preston leans up and rests his shoulders by my side, "Alex?" he says, but comes out more as a question.

"Hm?" I say in response.

"Why did you agree to be my girlfriend?" he asks sincerely and I stare into his eyes, knowing where this is leading. I have spoken to Zach, but we haven't spoke about us, not that there was an us, but we just hardly acknowledge each other. I'm pretty sure he knows about Preston and I, considering the fact that he and Preston are about to be stepbrothers. Scarlett has taken her place back in the spotlight and has been holding a humble and modest reputation so far. The world also thinks Zach and Scar are still in a "relationship" for reasons I don't even know why they are doing... But scar is dating Lucas behind the scenes. Zach is actually in Africa shooting a short film movie he's starring in so him not even being here has contributed to me getting over him a lot better.

I look at my boyfriend and I lean up to kiss him softly. He responds by leaning down closer, as he hovers over me, and I break it off, "I said yes because...I was tired of caring about someone who didn't care about me; I wanted to find love and... I feel as if I'm finding it in you," I say honestly. I wouldn't say I'm in love with Pres because I've taught myself a lot better to not fall so easily for a guy because we all know how hard I fall. So this time, I plan to do it right; with Preston. I would say though, it feels as if I'm really close to saying those three little words to him because I mean there is no doubt that I have fallen for him, just not as hard to coming out and saying it to him.

I don't know; I feel as if once we say it, the whole game changes. We become a couple who is in love, a couple who has to rise to each other's and the world's "standards" of being a coupld. Right now, I just want to be a couple with Preston; not anything that requires the whole "deal" as bad as it sounds... What I really mean is I just want to take it slow.

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