Chapter Fifteen

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The room around me just seemed to have froze in time. Butterflies merged and merged inside my stomach. They were doing cartwheels. He cupped my face in his musky, large hands and kissed me hard and passionately. I was in utter shock. His warm lips merged with mine and it was pure bliss. I began to react by kissing him back, letting my hands wander to his strands of wavy locks. I kissed him with all I could because for some reason, I feel this would be the last moment that I would experience such bliss in a while. I captured and savored every moment, as his hands removed from my face to my waist, squeezing me with all his might, but not too tight where it was killing me. I melted in his arms as he enwarped me in his arms. His mouth moving to the cape of my neck as I endured every bit of it. He finally moved back to my lips as he kissed me hungrily; needily. Seconds after, he broke it off. At a loss of words or thoughts, I didn't know what else to do but rest my forehead against his. It's crazy, utterly crazy how I could think and feel such negative thoughts about him at one point, but then he goes and does that to me and totally forgotten every flaw about him. Not that I know much; oh dear god do I want to know every single aspect of him.

I need to know him.

He chuckles and a surge of bewilderment washes over me before realizing... "You're drunk," I spit out, as I pry his hands off my waist, "Do you even know who I am?" I ask stupidly. Of course he knows; he's drunk, not awakening from a coma.

"Riaaaaaa," he says. Frustation and regret and hurt pangs in my chest. How could I have been so foolish? He probably won't even remember any of this in the morning.

"You're drunk, come let's get you home," I say, ignoring the hurt in my chest.

"I have to peeeeee though," he pouts and I glare at him, "And for the fact... you're an amazing kisser; best I ever had," he winks and I blush automatically, but I regain my posture.

"Fine, I'll be waiting for you outside," I say and he nods child-like before saluting me.


I turn away from him as I walk to the familiar entrance. I embrace the freezing temperatures as I snuggle into my lightweight hoodie. Damn, I should've brought something a bit more warm. I see the bouncer and I even let out a light chuckle. I head towards the opposite wall, that's horizontal of the awaiting people in line. I sigh heavily. This has been a long night. I'm tired, I just had the best kiss of my life, and to top it off, it was with a drunk sleeze who won't remember any of it in the morning. At least I can spare myself of humiliation.


I wait several more minutes before my eyes begin to get groggy. I rub at my sleepiness in the wake of my eyelids and I look at the door to see where Zach is. It's been ten minutes, how much pee does the man have? I begin to get angry and I go back inside the club, seeing as the bouncer let me in. I search the place, heading to the bar and my attention catches as Zach walks out the entrance door with a girl hanging on him.

"Ugh!" I growl and I head out the doors, chasing after him, "Zach!" I shout, but he keeps walking, "Zach!" and he slumps, looking at me weirdly, "Where are you going?" I scowl.

"Oh, don't worry angel, I'm going homeeeee," he slurs, as does the drunk girl, under his arm. A pang of jealousy and anger roars through me. That was supposed to be me that gets him home.

"Why the hell did you call me to take you home then?" I ask embarrased.

He stares at me intently before laughing, "You were at the top of m-my contacts, Alexandriaaaa," he laughs again and my heart aches and I actually feel like crying.

"Have fun getting home you asshole," I shout before turning around. I don't bother turning around as I freeze in my tracks. A tear slips from my eyes and I wipe it quickly. Someone taps on my shoulder and I turn quickly, but my face falls when I see it's the guy I met, Preston.

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