Chapter Twenty Two

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Picture of Preston;)

I started to pace down the crowded streets, not having a clue where I'm going. I ran past 32nd street, the little cafe that has really good muffins, the store that has really expensive, but pretty shoes, and a drug store. I'm pretty sure I lost Drew back at the cafe, or he just didn't come looking for me.

I'm literally going insane to see how I've ended up at Zach's apartment building. I knew exactly where I was going, I just didn't want to believe it until I actually ended up here. So here I stand right in front of his building, staring up into the night sky.

I want to go up inside to see him, but at the same time I don't because we aren't friends. He doesn't care about me or my problems so why would I go up and see him?

A part of me just wishes he would come down and see me, or would look down out his window and see me just to see what's up.

But I'm a delusional teenage girl.

Well, a delusional adult, considering the fact that I'm eighteen, yet I act as if I'm a freshman in high school.

"Ria?" I hear behind me.

I turn to see Drew; I guess he found me, "Hi," was all I could conjure up.

"I'm so sorry, just know that I didn't mean any of that in a bad way," he says and I can see pure honesty in his eyes, "I would never intentionally try to hurt you, just know that," he says and I inhale slowly.

"I know, I just overreacted; It made me upset because I do still like him, but it makes me... I don't know-- he's a tough one," I joke and he laughs with me.

"Obviously if he has one of the strongest girls I know give up on him, without even properly telling about himself," he says and I nod my head slowly, "what do you know about him exactly?" he asks and I shrug.

"Nothing; nothing at all," I say flatly and Drew nods in understanding.

"Well, how about we head home?" he says, with a hand and reluctantly, I smile and take it.

* * *

"No! Riley is one hot piece of ass!" Scarlett says to me and I scoff.

"No! Teo is so cute and ugh, I can't!" I retort and she sticks her tongue at me, while grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"What about Cory Monteith? I mean come on, Glee will, and forever be the best; though I miss Cory," Jenna says from Scarlett's side and Layne, beside me shakes her head.

"I can't deal with what happened with him! He is such a sweatheart! I've met him several times and he would always talk about, 'I gotta go find Lea'," she pouts and we all do, "like if that isn't the saddest thing, then I don't know what is!" she exclaims and I nod, with a sad face.

Scar, Layne, Jenna, and I are all having a movie night and we decided to watch Monte Carlo because of the really cute guys and the fact that this movie is really cute.

Layne and Scarlett worked all of their problems out that they we're fighting over before I even arrived here, which is really good and this night we've all been just getting to know each other more and wanting to escape from the real world.

"So... what on earth is going on between you and Preston Everett?" Layne squeals to me and Scarlett's eyes looks as if they're about to burste out of their sockets.

"What!" she screams and I cover my ears since she's right next to me, while they all laugh and I glare at Layne.

"Nothing..." I say honestly and they look at me blankly, waiting for a better answer, "we're just friends literally,"

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