Chapter Fourty

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I layed on the couch, it seems as if I was lifeless. I didn't know what to do now. I've recieved so many flowers and cards from people, it makes my heart swell. It also makes me upset. Why? I don't know, it seems to be I'm not sure of anything anymore.

It's been two weeks since I've been out of my... coma. I hate saying it-- I don't know if I should feel like a hero or a coward. Everyone's been so supportive and comforting and I just-- I just wanna scream. I feel I've been given a second chance, to redo anything, everything. I feel as if this could be my second chance to make things right.

I know everyone, such as my family and close friends sense that I need my space, so they've been kind enough to let me rent my own hotel room. I know it's bizzare, but I really do need some space to think about what I want, who I am, or what I am even doing with my life. I don't want to conform back to my old life until I get everything straightened out. I know this isn't fair to Zach, I haven't spoke to him since the day I got released from the hospital which was a week ago.

He calls almost everyday just to check up on me. I've been living on takeout for this past week, which the bill is starting to add up. Mel has been coming to check on me, and strangely she's the only one I've allowed up here. I don't know, but this week we really have gotten closer. I guess I sort of look up to her as a motherly figure. I really need that in my life, I miss it. I miss my parents so much, and with Mel here we just talk about anything and everything. She tells me about how her and my mom we're little kids and how they grew up. Their parents we're separated, so her and my mom we're always getting rolled between the dice.

Royce officially asked Mel to be his girlfriend and she confirmed of course. I'm really happy for her. Now for my love life? I really miss Zach. Today I'm going to go see him.

I got up from the couch I've been lying on and went to my drawers. I got out some sport leggings and a t-shirt to run in. I grabbed my nikes and headphones and got dressed quickly. I ran downstairs to the lobby and put my headphones in. Soon after, I broke out into a sprint. It's felt so long since I've ran, and I kept going and going. I had to take a couple of breaks, but damn, did it feel great. I haven't felt so alive, since, well, in a very long time. I was in Central Park and I took it all in. I inhaled and exhaled, as the sun was shining, and the trees were in full bloom.

I took a seat on a nearby bench, and took out my phone. I looked through my contacts and called him. It rang and rang, until he answered, "well hello stranger," I missed his voice.

"Drew," I breathed out a breath I was holding in a very long time, also due to that long run I just took.

"How's my favorite person in the whole world?" he says and I laugh, a real laugh.

"I'm feeling great! How's my second favorite in the whole world?" I teased with a grin on my face.

I can sense his pouting, "babe you wound me! And here I am working three jobs just to support you and the seven kids, do you not appreciate me!" he teases and I roll my eyes, but still a smile at the end of my lips.

"I'm sorry, I'll do better, forgive me!" I play along and his laughing fades.

"Now, how are you really?" He asks the dreaded question. Drew flew up here to New York on a last minute thing, but he had to leave early before I woke up due to the fact he's missed too many days of school and wouldn't get the credit he needed to graduate.

I sighed, "I'm getting there, you know?" I hear him acknowledging me on the phone so I carry on, "I've been staying in a hotel this past week-"

"What?" I hear him shout through the hotel. I giggled at how dramatic he is, "Ri, you should be with your family, what if something happened? You just got out of the hospital-"

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