Chapter Five

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Mel nudged my side I could wake up. I moaned, not wanting to awake from my peaceful slumber. Well, not so peaceful, since our taxi driver was playing some Bali music. I sit up straighter, turning my full atention to her. She glares at me, "We're almost at Zachary's place," she says.

I raise my eyebrows, "Zachary? As in Scarlett's 'boyfriend' Zachary?"

She nods her head, "He's good for her- your image, so you guys need to get to know each other a bit more, plus there is a movie premiere that he is starring in, so you will need to attend this rendevouz," she finishes.

"How is he good for me?"

She purses her lips, "He's the golden boy of New York, and you're..." she pauses.

"Stop acting like it's me doing these things! You're her gaurdian, so it's your fault! She was never like this until she came here," I shake my head.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" she points at me.

"I am an adult and you need me, not the other way around!"

"Don't forget that I am the one taking care of you and your expenses," she shoots back.

"It's all about money isn't it?" she stays silent and we finally come to a stop at yet another apartment building.

Grace shoots me a reassuring smile, "I'll have a dress lined up in your room," she says.

I turn to her, "When is the premiere?"

"Seven sharp," she automatically says.

"What am I supposed to do till then?"

"Spend some time with Zach, get to know him,"

"But he already 'knows' me," I reply.

"We decided to let him in on the whole 'twin' and switching place thing," she shrugs.

I nod my head at her words, opening the doors to the taxi, "Be home by five so you can get ready," Mel says monotonous, while I reply with a simple 'okay'.

I shut the door to the taxi door, muttering a thank you to the driver. I walk towards the sidewalk where crowds of other people are pacing, probably to get to work or other needs of theirs. I wish I had something to attain to, but sadly what I have to do is not something I'm quite up for. A doorman stands in front of me, opening the door for me with a pleasant smile. I mutter a quick thank you and walk into the luxurious lofts. His apartment building is similar to ours, with a marble flooring and walls, huge chandalier dangling from the ceiling. It even has a grand piano in the corner of the place, and I automatically think of the piano I hav-had back home. I get the urge to play it, but I push that thought aside. I glance around the place with plush seats and people of all sorts occupying them all around. The main lobby has a huge waterfall in the middle, with a bar at the corner of my eye, with a mini restaurant. Lots of excess decor fills the place, making it seem a bit more cozy and less capacious. I suddenly realize I don't even know where this guy lives, or his last name. I curse under my breath for being so foolish, but then again Aunt Mel or Grace didn't care to enlighten me on the details, expecting to know as much as Scarlett. A part of me actually think that they believe I am Scarlett, which is just beyond idiotic and strange. Instead of obeying orders, I go to the bar, plopping down in one of the plush seats. I decide to call Drew becasue I could really use a friend. I miss my friends, my old life back home. My parents. They were my heroes. I retrieve my purse from my purse, which is designer, no doubt. I dial his number, memorizing it by heart. It rings a few times before he finally picks up, "Hello?" his voice is raspy and subtle. I miss his voice so much, everything about him actually.

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