Chapter Nineteen

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I don't have any words for what I just did tonight. Some may think that it was such a complete idiotic and foolish thing to do, but in reality, I was just protecting the both of us.

She doesn't know the truth, therefore I can't let her in, no matter how much I want to.

I could tell by the look in her eyes-- she was devastated.

And it's all my fault I even let it got that far. I know my motives for bringing her to my place were much different to the results of what actually happened, but I wasn't thinking with my brain, but something else...

Anyways, I don't know where this leaves Ri and I. I just wish she didn't like me, it would make things a lot easier, yes, but then again... I want her to like me.

I want her to know all of me, and accept my past and all of that.

Because I want to know the same, when it comes down to her.


You know that feeling whenever a guy tells you he wants to take things to the next level?

'Cause I don't.

I basically just got rejected and it feels like I've been exposed in a naked way...

Well that's just weird.

I take the last steps up to my apartment building, "Have a nice night Miss Braden," my doorman says to me, "oh, a package came for you also Miss," he says and I nod, even though I never get packages.

"Okay, thank you," I smiled at him. I walked through the spacious lobby and I walked to the elevators, ignoring some of the stares I'm receiving. I

hop on the elevator and waited patiently for it to arrive on my level. I tried to push the thoughts of the events that happened tonight. I just one hop into the soft sheets of my bed and fall into a deep slumber.

The doors opened for me to exit, which I did. I groaned out loud and whimpered as I reached my apartment door. I knocked several times, due to me forgetting my keys. Soon I was standing face to face with my best friend Drew. He smiled expectingly and I was soon engulfed into one of his legendary hugs. I squeezed and held on tight to him, while he rocked me side to side.

We broke away soon after, "I'm guessing I don't need to be asking questions at the moment?" He asks, leading me into the living room and I chuckle, nodding my head.

"Is she here?" I asked, mentioning the she devil.

Drew laughs, shaking his head no, "Her and Elena went out for a bite to eat,"

I nod thankfully, "I can't stay here Drew," I say to him and looks at me and scoffs.

"You have as much right to live here as she does Ri," he says and I shake my head.

"I can't live with her Drew, she's changed! She's not my sister, or at least not the one who used to be proud to be related to me," I say.

"Cut her some slack, she's gone through a lot," he says and I laugh humorlessly, "wrong word choice," he apologizes.

"Like I haven't gone through shit? And why are you defending her?"

"I'm speaking the truth, she's your blood, you can't give up on her just because of the wrongs she's done. Be the bigger person and stick by her side. This is when she needs you the most, I mean you guys just found your moth-"

"No! Don't say mother; she will never be that to me," I say, shaking my head of thoughts of my parents and how this so-called mother abandoned we and Scar.

"She's your mother Ri, hear her out. Why are you suddenly becoming this hard-core judgemental person who doesn't stick by the people she loves? You were never one to give up when the going gets rough, so why start now?" He says, his voice raising a bit.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. I don't know why I'm being a hitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself. Maybe it's because I'm hurting and I want to help myself, therefore I'm blind to other people's sufferings. "you're right Drew," I say, finally admitting the mistakes I've made.

It still doesn't mean I'm going to be lovey dovey towards Elena.

"it's okay to be scared to let someone in, it means you're human," he says, smiling sheepishly, "but that doesn't mean you should let it stop you from having a relationship with them," he finishes and my mind thinks of Zach.  I wish he would let me in and not be afraid to let himself be and live a little. I know wbat it's like because I used to be like that, giving people just enough information to please them, which wasn't a lot, sadly.

After the advice drew gave me, I know what I need to do now, "I have to go," I say, kissing him on the cheek and running towards the door.

"Wait where are you-" I didn't stay to hear him finish the rest. I began to have the widest smile on my face, I couldn't contain it.  I hopped on the elevator and soon I was down in the lobby. I ran outside to be confronted by the cold. I hauled a cab, but some skinny bitch stole it! I, being frustrated yet energetic, I looked down to my right to see not as many people on the sidewalk.

So I began to walk hastily. Each person I passed, I began to walk faster. I walked and bumped into the shoulders of others. Soon, I was breaking out into a run. I ran, and it felt good. I haven't ran since I was back in Cali. I shifted my body as I ran people to avoid hitting them. I was soon sprinting. I probably looked like a mad woman, running on the streets of New York.

But I had to tell him.

I finally reached his apartment building; my chest heaving up and down due to me being out of shape. I laughed it off and walked into the building, with sweat beads running down my face. I probably look like total poo, but the hell with it.

I knocked on, no, banged o his door rapidly. Before I could disturb him anymore, he opened it and I was confused by the girl who opened it.

"What the hell are you doing?" She says, pointing to her ears.

I stood dumbfounded, but I felt even dumber as he showed up at the door shirtless.

"Alexandria?" He asks surprised and I laugh nervously.

"Zach," I stood with one hand on my hip, with my other finger shakingly pointing to him.

"It's okay," he says to the girl and she looks me up and down before she retreats back inside, "why are you here?" He asks.

"I... um, I just wanted to say what happened earlier-- friends, uh we're friends right?" I asked.

He looks at me confused before he stares at me with mixed emotions I can't read, "You came here to ask if we're friends?" He asks incredulously.

"Yes," I lie, putting on the fakest smile I could conjure up, "and to let you know that if you ever need anything friend wise, I'm here..." I say and he nods reluctantly.

He coughs, then rubs his stubble, "Okay," was all he said and my heart panged inside of my chest.

"Okay, well goodnight," I said, but came out as a whisper.

"Night Alexandria," he says and I roll my eyes, "Ria," he laughs.

I nod and turn on my heels, secretly hoping he'll ask me to stay, but much like to my fantasies, it didn't come true and I was sent home with a broken heart.

Okay, not exactly that extreme, but I was still upset. The guy I really like is with another girl and I just put myself out there for no one.

Hi everyone! I am so sorry for such a long wait and a short chapter. School started a month ago and I seriously haven't had the time to update. So thanks if you're still with me! I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment your thoughts!

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