Chapter Two

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry if this chapter was boring, it'll pick up soon! Thanks for reading! Vote!

A picture of Aunt Mel>>>>>>

Two hours. That's how long I've been stuck in this elevator. I don't care how many drunks, slobs, prisses, dirty children, or horny teenagers have been in this elevator, I'm laying down on my back. I'm using my smaller suitcase as a pillow, so who cares? I can't believe that girl would stoop this low to bet back at Scarlett. I am beyond furious with my sister. I feel like I don't even know her anymore. First the drinking, and now sex with other women's men? I need to get a grip on her before I completely lose her. Or maybe I am overreacting? What if this so-called 'Ashton' was Scarlett's man first? But then again, that friend of hers seemed really sincere and she looked distraught that her best friend, Scarlett had betrayed her. I don't know what to believe, I just know I need to get out of this elevator. I don't get any service on my phone in the elevator, and that girl even ripped out the phone in the elevator, leaving a special note for me saying, "This is only the beginning," she writes. How terrible that friend is. She must be really angry with Scar is she would go this far in trapping me in the elevator. The curse of being twins with Scarlett Braden. I decide if I'm going to be here for a while, I might as well take a nice nap.


Thumping. I hear loud thumping. I slowly open my eyes, but I'm blinded by the lights from the ceiling. I rest my hand over my eyelids, shielding me from the brightness. I look to my left and I see the door opening with some tool. I get up fast, but I tumble towards the wall because I got up way too fast, making me dizzy. After regaining stability, I see the door opening with some time of wedge and people on the outside hollering. I clap my hands like a happy little girl. I can't believe I'm getting out! I grab my suitcases and the door finally open, and I launch my way out, hugging my saver. I'm immediately blinded by flashing lights and I look back to see it's Lucas, the chauffeur. I grimace and shove off of him, while he winks at me. I look around and see several paparazzi, but they're being shooed by security guards. I look at Lucas, "Don't flatter yourself, they're not here for you," he smiles.

"I don't understand," I say.

He stares at me and he claps his hands together, "They're. Here. For. Scarlett. You know you're twin sister," he says, clapping his hands together at each syllable like i'm an illiterate child.

"Okay who the hell do you think you are?" I shout, and he crosses his arms over his chest, raising his eyebrows, "You don't know me at all, so I don't understand why you're treating me so harsh," I say quietly.

"Oh I'm sorry, let me just bow down before you princess," he says getting on his knees, but he gets up quickly.

"I'm not like that, so what makes you think tha-" he clasps his hand over my mouth, and I bite it.

He yells out in pain, "I don't have time for spoiled bitches, I have a job to get back to," he turns away from me. I stand there, hurt by his words, and I grab my suitcases. Looking at the elevators, I shake my head, and stride for the stairs.


"Alexandria, where have you been?" Mel yells at me, when I finally get inside the loft, which is very nice by the way. Scar and Mel has chose the contemporary theme. They have plush white, black, and red seats in the living room with a fluffy white rug, over a black hardwood floor.There's a chandelier hanging from the ceiling over the living room, making the loft much brighter. To the kitchen, is a black marble counter top with a red refrigerator. Also to my right, is a sleek, white staircase.

I groan in frustration, when both Scarlett and Jonathan come down from the stairs, "You! This is all your fault!" I point at Scarlett. By the look on everyone's face, they're surprised to see me speak this loud and angry. I'm always the one who's calm and collected, with a bubbly, charismatic sprit.

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