"You don't look so well," she replied. "You seem tired—"

That's because Plagg worked him like a racehorse all morning!

"—and as if you've dressed in a car—"

Bingo! That's exactly what he did because the bastard left him no time to go home and change!

"—Your hair is especially in a rough condition—"

Please, don't remind him. That's a separate story.

"—Maybe you should take a day off and rest?" She touched his shoulder gently. "No one will benefit from you falling ill."

Adrien dead stared at the door. "Maybe you're right. I'll just do what is necessary and will make it an early night."

If his dance instructor from hell wouldn't decide to torture him some more. He seemed to be really enjoying himself doing that.

The door opened, and the duo exited the elevator.

"We part here," Kagami said. "Though, I wanted to ask you if you are planning to attend next week's party?"

His heart pounded in his heart. Yes, he was going to attend because somewhere there his Lady would be waiting for him.

"Yeah," he said. "I wanted to attend. What about you?"

"I have better things to do than to get drunk and watch others make out at the bar. Please, reconsider. I heard some disturbing things happened last year."

Adrien frowned. "Such as?"

"Let's see," Kagami thought. "Drunk dancing on the tables, striptease, gambling. The list goes on and on. That's not the place for reputable people like us, so, please, don't go."

"Thanks for the warning, Kagami." Adrien smiled. "I'll keep that in mind and be careful, but I kind of already promised a friend I'll attend."

She quirked an eyebrow. "Well, as long as you are aware of the situation. Are we still on for lunch tomorrow?"

Adrien nodded. "Unless some disaster happens, yes, absolutely."

"All right. I hope you feel better by then. Have a good day, Adrien. Stop by when you're free."

"Will do." Adrien bit his farewell and walked in the opposite direction.

Strolling down the hallway, Adrien yawned. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to put it in place as much as possible. Perhaps, he should make it a short day. He was exhausted, and there was always a threat of Plagg texting him any minute. That glutton! Thanks to him, Adrien's life was chaos. Camembert-stinking wreckage of the perfect scheduling he grew up on. It was good that the only thing he'd have to focus on for the next two weeks was pretending to search for Ladybug to divert his father's attention. Then, he'd admit his failure, would accept his defeat, and everything would go the way it always was. For now, though, the designer department it was. Adrien smiled, grasping the lucky charm in his pocket. He'd forgotten to give it to her yesterday. Today it was, then. He looked forward to that.

Marinette caught his attention as soon as Adrien stepped inside. Or rather her appearance. He had to do a double-take because usually impeccably put together Marinette was working on something at her table wearing a pair of red sneakers and a light jean overall shorts atop of pink t-shirt with her hair tied in pigtails. She silently sang to herself, listening to something through her wireless earbuds, her body subtly moving to the beat Adrien couldn't hear. It was... adorable, but nothing like he'd expected to see at Gabriel. Or was allowed as far as he knew.

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