24. Kaleb

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When 'tiyya frantically woke me up, raging about how Jamie had posted explicit photos of me on the internet, I went through an array of emotions. Disappointment, anger....hurt.

However, embarrassment was not one of them.

Truth be told, I had nothing to be embarrassed about. It weird to say, but I was definitely blessed with being well-endowed.

In fact, my twitter following had went up since my pictures were leaked. Girls flooded my direct messages practically begging for a private show.

It was a few hours later and I hadn't moved from 'Tiyya's bed. I sat on its edge, still trying to figure out what my next move was going to be.

It was silent for the most part and 'Tiyya settled next to me. Her mere presence providing a sense comfort.

I just couldn't believe that I had stupidly trusted this girl. "Exposing" people was such a high school, freshman thing to do.

I had worked so hard over the years to get to where I was at and something like this could be detrimental to my college career and possibly even my scholarship.

See, if I was an asshole, I could have easily gone into my phone and did her the same way she did me but I knew that would only make things worse and didn't want this turning to some kind of war.

Jamie knew I wouldn't do her like that either. Which is why she thought she'd be able to get away with this.

The pictures had been deleted now, but that still didn't change the fact that during the brief 15 minutes they were left up, hundreds of people had already seen it and most likely screen shotted.

My phone was blowing up at the moment. Mostly from friends checking in to make sure I was okay. I had deactivated all my social media some minutes after at it had happened.

"She's not getting away with this." Atiyya spoke.

I didn't say anything. My mind was in deep thought.

"What she did was such bullshit. I really think you need to—"
"Atiyya, please okay? Silence, silence is all I need right now." I looked back at her before running my hands over my face.

"I will not be quiet Kaleb. I gave you enough time to be upset, but now it's time to start thinking of solutions. For starters, you need to call your grandma." She stood up.

"For what?"

"Because we're getting you a lawyer. You don't turn eighteen until next month, therefore she willingly distributed child pornography which is against the law."

"I'm not about to do that and I especially am not telling my grandma what's going on."

"Why not?! You can not sit back and let this shit ride."

"That's doing too much. If my grandma find out this happened, she's going to flip and then she's going to tell my aunt and I'm never going to hear the end of it. Plus we're talking legal fees, court hearings, I'm not putting that amount of stress on them."

"You got any better ideas? What? You gone go to Jamie's house and try to talk to her? Ain't no talking after something like this. She needs to be held accountable."

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