15. Atiyya

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*not edited
Y'all need to start interacting with the chapters more. Don't be silent readers! I love seeing y'all comments and I read them ALL.

We roamed the streets of downtown Miami. It wasn't very packed, but it was definitely still filled with tourists.

Rickie and I entered a nearby boutique. Nabora had a job interview today so she wouldn't be joining us on our endeavors.

"How do these look on me?"
I picked up a pair of oversized shades, trying them on.

"Honestly?" She replied.

"They don't really go with your face shape."
I posed in the mirror. "You right." I took them off, putting them back down.

We piddled around a little bit more before leaving the store.

"So you gone tell me what's going on between you and Vaughn?" I looked up at her.

We walked the strip further. I noticed that they had been hanging out a lot more since the party.

"You gone tell me what's going on between you and Kaleb?"
"You already know what's going on."

"But I don't know everything." She rolled her eyes.

I stopped us both in our tracks. "Now you know I tell you and Nabora both everything."

"You a whole lie."
"What have I lied about?!"

Rickie sighed, as if she was contemplating something. "Tiyya I know about you and Kaleb kissing."

I was stuck. "How do you—"

"I was at Vaughn house and Kaleb called."
"What did he say?" I inquired. As y'all know, we hadn't really talked about anything, let alone the kiss since he ran out.

"He's just as confused as you are. But that's besides the point, why you ain't tell me? Us?"

"For exactly what you just said. I was confused by what had transpired and needed time to think."

There was a short pause.
We began walking again. "If that's your excuse."

"It's not an excuse. Y'all know how y'all get. The moment I would have opened my mouth about it, y'all would have ran with it."

"Not even." She said, sounding like she didn't even believe her.

We approached a group of guys. Rickie and immediately looked at each other and locked arms. If I was by myself, I would have pulled out my phone, but since it was the both of us I didn't feel the need to.

I tensed up, not saying anything. We heard a few cat calls, one "aye, aye" and a signature "well, fuck y'all then."

I left out a deep sigh of relief, finally passing them.
"That's a damn shame." Rickie said.
"It is. I can't believe niggas really act like that. Yuck."

"I'm hungry. You hungry?"
"Yes. We can find something on down this way."

I began digging in my small handbag for my cellphone.

Not paying attention to where I was going, I felt someone's shoulder bump me. "I'm sorry." I briefly looked up from my phone.

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