5. Atiyya

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*Danielle in m/m
*Not edited so beware

June 3rd, 2017

           "I kind of like this shirt." I held up a black, v neck wrap up crop top. It was long sleeve, but very light weight.
"I think the cleavage area would be a bit much on me though." I put it back on the rack where it belonged.

"Are you kidding me?" Rickie grabbed it again. "You're boobs would be sitting in that." We were currently in a store called Tobi, doing a little bit of early school shopping. Throughout all of high school, we were forced to wear uniforms so we definitely needed to up our game in the wardrobe department.

"I just feel like I be doing too much in low cut tops." I looked at it.

"Try it on then, if you don't like it, leave it." Nabora, who had a stack of clothes slung over her shoulders by the hanger, suggested.

"You right." I grabbed the top from Rickie and looked for the dressing rooms. Once finding it, the store sales associate asked me how many items I had and directed me to a stall. Nabora and Rickie waited outside while I tried it on.

I admired myself in the mirror as I slid my arms through the sleeves of the top. Just like anyone else, I had flaws, but I never would hate myself for it. And what I disliked, I knew one somebody would grow to love. I instinctively turned around to look at my butt in the jeans I wore. I wasn't extremely blessed in the butt department, but I was definitely working with something back there.

"What y'all think?" I pulled the curtain back, so Rickie and Nabora could see.

Rickie walked up and adjusted the top so it would sit right on my cleavage area. "I really like it, I wouldn't wear a bra with it though."

"Yeah," Nabora eyed. "Lose the bra."

"That's easy for y'all to say. Y'all have smaller boobs than I do. I'll just get one of those plunge bras or really low-cut ones."
"That's works too." Rickie stepped away.

I walked back into the dressing room and changed out of the shirt, putting it the basic top I wore to the mall back on.

"Alright, y'all I'm ready." I walked out.
"You buying it?" Nabora asked
"Yeah, you buying all that?" I pointed at all the clothes she had somehow collected in just the short period of time we had been in Tobi.

"Hell yeah," We walked out of the dressing room area and to the front to pay for our merchandise. "I didn't save up all those pay checks for nothing."

Nabora had just recently quit her part time job that she been working since the beginning of our senior year and rather than spending most of her paychecks up like most students would do, she saved all them to help pay for any extra necessities needed in school, including back to school shopping.

Luckily, her and Rickie had parents who didn't mind giving them money when they needed it also.

"Why is this line so damn long?" Rickie peeped her head out the side of the line in which we stood. She rolled her eyes, annoyed. "They only got one register open." She looked back at us.

I shook my head. "Now they know better than this. People got things to do."

"Wat y'all gat to du?" A thick, Jamaican accent jokingly surprised us. We all turned our heads to see our good, long-time friend, Danielle smiling widely. I assumed she had spotted us on her way in. The store wasn't very big.

"Hey barbie." I hugged her, referring to the nick name we had given her our junior year because she literally looked like a life-sized black, Barbie doll. Rickie and Nabora smiled happily, hugging her as also.

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