7. Atiyya

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Devin in the m/m
*not edited, don't come for me
*PLEASE go back and read if you need to catch up.
*Into You will be updated later on tonight. And by late I mean super late. I have to do my hair for tomorrow unfortunately 😒
*Wishing you all an early Merry Christmas🎄

June 6th, 2017

"Did you talk to ya mans?" Nabora asked, as we sat out by her and Rickie's pool, sun tanning.

I adjusted my shades. "If you're talking about Kaleb, then yes I did, he actually came over yesterday while my mom was at work."

"Oooh," Rickie splashed around in the pool, treading water. "Did you ask him about ole girl?"

"Yeah, I did and he said nothing was going on between them. I'm sure he wasn't lying."

"Nothing is going on between them now, that don't mean it can't happen in the future. And if it does, Rickie and I are putting a stop to it." Nabora got up, applying a little bit more sun tan lotion to her face.

"Oh my god, y'all can't go around trying to sabotage whatever relationship he gets into. That is not y'all place."

"It is to our place," Rickie practically yelled. She grabbed a noodle floaty to rest on. "We are your best friends, we just want to see you happy."
Nabora nodded in agreement.

"Who said I wasn't happy?" I took shades off to look at them. "I'm single, I'm content, and I'm doing me. I don't know need a boyfriend. Both of y'all single too so I don't see what the big deal is."

"Oop, excuse you." Rickie responded. She glanced at Nabora in a you better get her before I do look.

Nabora looked at me and sighed. "We're not saying you're not happy. We're saying we want you to be happy with Kaleb. And it's not like we're forcing anything, you guys clearly like each other."

I didn't say anything. I was over the discussion at this point. Kaleb could do him and I could do me and I wasn't going to stop doing what I wanted until somebody cuffed me. And that was that.

"Just let stuff happen naturally on its own you guys, I don't want to force anything and then end up messing up the friendship."

"Fine." Rickie rolled her eyes, letting go of the floaty to start swimming again.

"We should throw a kickback or a little pool party here." Nabora randomly suggested.
I thought for a few seconds. "I'm down, your parents would let you?"

"Yeah, as long as people not inside the house, we should be cool."

"Oooh yes, I'm tryna get chose." Rickie exclaimed. She ran her hands over her soaking wet hair, removing some of the water from her eyes and off her face.

"Girl, Vaughn going to be right there to cock block too." I retorted.
She gave me the stale face. "No he not."

"Who said I was inviting Vaughn? He doesn't even deserve to be in her presence." Nabora got up, pulling her biking from her behind.

"Uhhh," I said disgustingly. "All that booty eating up ya bottoms ain't it."

"I can't help it, I'm thicc." She sat by the side of the pool, putting her feet in.

"Anyways," I snickered. "If you plan on inviting Kaleb which I know for a fact you are, then expect Vaughn to be rolling with him. You know their like two peas in a pod, you're not going to have one without the other."
"That's true." Rickie agreed.

"I guess he can come then. When should I have it?"
"Hmm. I say do it on Friday evening. The sun will be going down so it won't be too hot and people can still get in the pool. Plus I'm going to my dads house Saturday." I got up as well to get in the pool. I had gotten tan enough.

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