10. Kaleb

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*not edited, y'all know the drill
*filler chapter
*Vaughn in the m/m

June 8th, 2017

I let out a deep breath as I pulled out of Jamie, reaching the pinnacle of my pleasure. Originally she had came over because she claimed she wanted to get to know me more as a "friend" and me being the nice guy that I was, invited her over. Not even thinking that she had other intentions.

I mean, I thought I made myself pretty clear at the comic book store the other day, but one thing ended up leading to another and it just kind of escalated from there.

I know I told Vaughn and 'tiyya that I wouldn't mess around with her, but hell, she was coming on to me. There were only so many times I could have said no before I gave in.

Plus, it had been a minute since I had been in some cudi so it was becoming even harder to resist.

I rolled off her and threw the used condom I wore into the trash been. I would take out the trash later. I slipped on my boxers that had been spread out on the floor.

"This can't happen again." I looked over my shoulder as pulled my wife-beater over my head.

"Oh so you just gone hit it and quit it. I didn't think you were the type." She joked, stepping into the dress she had wore over there. That's what had gotten me into this mess in the first place.

Once fully clothed, she pulled her hair that was caught out the back and fixed the necklace she wore. Finally, she slid on her flip flops.

"I'm not, but you kept throwing it at me so I would have been stuck on stupid not to catch it."
I too was now fully dressed.

She chuckled and walked up to me, folding her arms. I looked down at her small frame. "You don't have to worry Kaleb, I got what I wanted." Her eyes filled with lust as she sized me up. "And now you can focus on whatever little girl that got your nose wide open."

"I know you got what you wanted, you were damn near screaming to the top of your lungs," We began walking to the front of my grandmothers house. Luckily she was out running errands again and decided to take my little cousin with her. "I was not."

I felt Jamie hit me on my back as she followed behind me. "You definitely were."

I had to admit, though the sex with her was fulfilling, she was kind of annoying in bed and entirely too talkative. I liked to either hear silence or soft, soothing moans and to be able look into my lady's eyes. It was more intimate that way. I just couldn't stand a broad who was doing the most.

"And furthermore", I continued. "You don't know who got my nose wide open so watch your mouth."

I unlocked and opened the front door so she could leave. As soon as I did so, Vaughn was pulling up.


He turned his car off and I could see him looking confused before he got out . I guess Jamie sensed the tension as he walked up to the porch steps so she hurried her good bye.

"I'll talk to you later." I nodded while she looked at me and then Vaughn. He mugged her as she walked away and then turned to face me.

He waited until she got far enough so she couldn't hear him. "I thought we agreed you would stay away from her. I told you she was trouble nigga."

"Bro, she not even that bad. She's cool." I argued.
"Yeah, right now she's cool. Sooner or later, you gone regret not listening to me." He shook his head.

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