6. Kaleb

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*please stay for the authors note at the end.
*yes, I'm back and I'm better 😛
*not edited

June 5th, 2016

I yawned as I turned over and grabbed my phone off the night stand. A couple of days had went by and it was now Wednesday. Checking my phone was the first thing I did in the morning. Though it usually remained dry, that still didn't stop me from scrolling through my twitter or peeping my Instagram timeline.

After realizing that I didn't miss out on much, I sat up on my bed and naturally, wiped some of the matter from my eyes. I rubbed my hands up against my bare arms and realized I definitely needed a shower. My body felt so sticky from lasts night affairs. Vaughn and I decided to go play basketball yet again and I was so tired when I came back that I just immediately passed out as soon as I hit the comforter.

On top of all of this, we ended up doing hood rat shit afterwards with a few of the other guys that were already at the court and we definitely got into some things.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom closest to the room I was sleeping in and turned the shower on, grabbing a face and body towel out of the cabinet under the sink while it got warm.

Once I was about to close to door to finally change, a small hand stopped it from the other side.

"K, can we play football later today?" My five-year old cousin, Junior asked, his small body clothed in spider-man pj's. He had also came with me to visit our grandmother for the summer.

My aunt definitely needed a break from the both of us, but more so him because little dude was a hand full.

I sighed, looking into his pleading eyes. I wanted to tell him I didn't feel up to it, but I could never do it. That little voice got me every time.

"Yeah, man. Getcha thumb out ya mouth." He revealed a toothless grin in response and immediately removed his thumb.

"Thanks K!" And he was off. I shook my head watching him disappear down the hallway and into my granny's room.

I finally closed the door and stripped of my clothes. Not forgetting to pull up the pandora app on my phone, playing the 2000's r&b radio. I carefully analyzed my hairline in the mirror before hopping in the shower.

I knew I wasn't an ugly guy, but your boy needed a haircut and bad. Others probably couldn't tell, but I was definitely hitting that two week mark. I was so used to always keeping a fresh line up that even the slightest hair out of place made me want to go to the barbershop. I know it was a bit dramatic, but that's how I was back in Atlanta with my aunt and I planned to keep it that way here. I had been so busy over the past few weeks that I really didn't even have time to think about a haircut.


I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack near by, wrapping it around my waist. I went back to my room and began digging through my suitcases, looking for something to wear. I still hadn't unpacked like I was supposed to.

Hearing a notification bell from my phone, I looked at the contact to see I had gotten a text from Atiyya. I had my phone set up where I couldn't see the actual message, just the name and iMessage word. It kept people from being in my business whenever I got a text from somebody in public.

I unlocked my phone and laughed at the text message she sent.


So Highحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن