Birthday Twins🎂

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* Skip to 5 months *

Mikey and Julia have the same birthday although Mikey is a year older than Julia. Mikey is turning 21 and Julia is turning 20
They are going to have a birthday party at this venue in a hotel. It's going to be a formal event so they'll have to wear dresses and suits. They organized it with the help of their parents and family. Julia and Mikey covered all the expenses. Mikey's cousin is an event planner so she helped them out. The party is in 3 days.

It's finally the day of their birthday and the party. First thing Julia does is FaceTime Mikey. He answers. "Hey babeeee" Julia greets with excitement. "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!" They both laughed in sync. "Awhh babe I love you." says Mikey. "I love you more" replied Julia. They talked for about an hour just bonding and telling each other memories from their past birthdays. The two really bonded well. You can tell that they're madly in love.

Julia texted the group chat (with Mikey, Emily, Sierra, Jason and Dylan) that they can head to Julia's to get ready. They all came. The girls were still baking the last batch of cookies for the party. They boys were marinating meat. It was Jason's Mom's special recipe. The meat will be cooked at the venue in the kitchen.

The party starts at 7pm but Julia and Mikey weren't there yet. Emily, Sierra, Jason and Dylan went ahead. Everyone was wondering where they were. Sierra and Jason were hosting the party. They told the guests that Julia and Mikey were on the way.

Julia and Mikey arrive at 9pm. Everyone cheered as they saw Mikey and Julia as they came in. They got on the stage and apologized to their guests. "Hello, good evening everybody. Sorry for the delay. My girlfriend and I were just caught up" smirked Mikey as he announced that. Everyone laughs. "We are truly sorry for causing the delay but lets carry on for the rest of the night." said Julia. Julia elbows Mikey and mouths "why did you say that?!" "Thank you for coming to our birthday too" added Mikey. The guests cheered.

They had Jason and Sierra to perform a couple of songs and Mikey's cousin's band performed too. Everyone was entertained. The party was going well. A few people were asked to say a speech for the couple. Most of them were family members and close friends of the two.
After hearing all the speeches the two got emotional.

When the party ended Julia and Mikey's family to tidy up. Mikey pulls Julia aside so he could talk to her. He puts his arm around her waist and escorts her to the main foyer where it was quiet. They sat on the couch and there, Mikey started speaking. "So babe, Happy Birthday to you and I. Thank you so much for everything you've done and given me so far. I'm happy to have met someone like you and I don't think I'll ever find anyone like you. You are just so amazing and extraordinary. Just know that I love you so much" Mikey said affectionately. He takes a small box that looks like for rings out of his back pocket and opens it saying "This is a promise ring from me to you. I promise you that I will love and care for you always". Julia didn't expect that Mikey would do any of this. She gets emotional and starts crying. She  kisses Mikey on the lips and hugs him. She puts on the ring and then says "Thank you baby. I didn't expect you to do this. Cheers to us on our birthday. I love you so much and thank you for being here for me when I needed you. Sorry for annoying you most of the time. You are the light of my world and I am so grateful for you. I learned so much from you so thank you babe".

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