Missin You Crazy🤪

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Mikey and Julia went on a FaceTime call since Julia was missing Mikey like crazy. She felt lonely without him and it makes Mikey laugh reading her texts saying that she misses him.

conversation on call:MIKEY: Baby girlll! Hi I miss you! You look so cuteeee hehe

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

conversation on call:
MIKEY: Baby girlll! Hi I miss you! You look so cuteeee hehe

JULIA: Babeeee!! I miss you more. Come back already!!

MIKEY: Hahaha i'll be back tomorrow night. Hey we're in the champions league! Hope we win! Keep me in your prayers that we win babe!

JULIA: Of course and you always are!!

MIKEY: Just like what my tat says, "say your prayers". Anyways what have you been up to since I've been gone?

JULIA: Well on Saturday I just stayed at home and binged watched movies. I feel fat tho. It's because I bought a lot of snacks and ate it all in one go. That's my guilty pleasure.

MIKEY: Oh gosh. I mean you haven't had junk food in a while so I guess you could get away with that.

JULIA: Yeahh. Alsooooo remember when we talked about Emily and I felt like she was being distant because Sierra and I have been prioritizing you and Jason. Well apparently it's not about that! It's about something else!!!

MIKEY: Ooh what's it about?! Can I guess?! Did she get a boyfriend?!?! A dog? Is she moving away? Does she not like you anymore?

JULIA: HAHAHAHA babeee chill with the questions!! Well you got one of them right lol!
Yes Emily has a boyfriend now!!

MIKEY: Ayyye girlll. Tell her I said congrats! Awhhh I'm missin you like crazy * putting on the 🥺 face*

JULIA: Me too! I don't know how we aren't sick of each other yet *she said laughing*

MIKEY: Because I love you more than anything!

JULIA: I love you moreee. I think imma go to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow babee *she blows a kiss to him*

Mikey pretends to catch the kiss and they both laugh.

JULIA: Hahaha you goof ball!!

MIKEY: Love ya! Good night!

The FaceTime call is a picture I edited! It's not real hehe

Just a Fling💋 ft. Mikey JimenezNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ