Great Connection💫

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Mikey and Julia talked for over an hour without knowing. Emily and Sierra think they have a great connection and that he should be her "fling".

MIKEY: Um hey it's getting late, I could drive you home if you want? It's not safe out anymore.

Sierra and Emily walks over. Emily pinches Julia in the arm saying...

EMILY: She'd be happy to take your ride!

YOU: Ah no it's okay. I'll get a ride off Sierra. But thank you for the offer.

SIERRA: *Thinks of an excuse* Oh yeah about that my car is full soz Julia. Guess you'll have to go home with Mikey.

Everyone said their byes and left Emily's. Julia and Mikey were in the car driving home

*Your POV*
Mikey seems pretty cool. He's got the looks and  personality. But I can't just go breaking his heart like that. I think we have good chemistry and I think I might have an interest in him. If i'm gonna fall for this dude, I don't think it would just be "a fling".

Mikey pulls up to the front of Julia's driveway.

YOU: Thanks for the ride Mikey. I really appreciate your generosity. I also had so much fun tonight.

MIKEY: You're welcome. Just keeping you safe you know! I had lots of fun too. Uh hey Julia I was wondering if I could have your number so we could hang out sometime?!

YOU: Yeah sure! I'd love to hang out some time!

Julia and Mikey exchange numbers. Mikey gives Julia her phone and has his whole palm on Julia's hand. They stare at each other for at least 10 seconds.

YOU: Um I better get going so you can get home sooner! Byeeee see you soon!  *you whisper under your breath* Pretty-boy. 

MIKEY: Goodnight! See ya!! * he murmurs* Bye Pretty-girl.

Just a Fling💋 ft. Mikey JimenezWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu