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They headed down to grab breakfast and checked out. Mikey had the idea of surprising Julia to Disneyland. He knew it's last minute but it would cheer her up since he noticed that she wasn't in the mood.

MIKEY: Hey Julia, Love, you seem quiet moody. Is their anything you wanna talk about or did I do something wrong? Was it because of earlier?

YOU: No not at all, you didn't do anything. There's just something that's weighing me down. I have to tell you but I don't know when the right time is.

MIKEY: Right now could be the right time. But I won't rush you. You can take your time and I can wait.

Julia came to the conclusion that she had to tell Mikey about the dare that night and that he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She just had difficulties trying to tell him at the right moment.

YOU: Okay. That night we met. We played Truth or Dare remember? Just moments before you came, I was dared to find a fling and make him fall in love with me then supposedly break his heart. I know it sounds horrible but if we ever end up together, I don't want people telling you that you're just a fling to me because you're not. I actually really like you.

MIKEY: Wow okay that's a lot. So much can happen when you're not there. So you do really like me? Because I really like you too. I hope you're being honest. At least you told me and I trust you. It's okay. I gotchu. C'mon lets go! I've got a surprise for you!

They headed to the car. Julia doesn't have a clue where they're going. The car ride was a bit awkward but Mikey blasted off music and they sang songs together. It was like karaoke on board!

Just a Fling💋 ft. Mikey JimenezWhere stories live. Discover now