01 - The Big Bang

Start from the beginning

But I got all those thoughts away because he was staring down at me like I was just a little five-year-old girl and not understanding what I just said before.

I blinked and my head got back to the main reason why I saw him. He had hit me with a football right in the center of my forehead.

"No! I'm not ok! Now grab your football and leave me alone." I said with my hand still on my head.

He looked behind at a group of jocks that seemed to be part of his group of friends and shrugged. What did that mean? Then he grabbed his football and stared at me again.

"What?" I said in a tone that was basically telling him 'Leave me alone!'

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" He said not taking his eyes off mine.

"By going away. Now, can your brain work hard enough to do that?"

I took my hand out of my forehead and right when I was ready to open my book, he leaned closer to me.

"Really? Anything..." He put his right hand in the car window right next to me while the other one was in his pocket. "... at all?"

Great. Now he was looking straight into my eyes. Wait... was he trying to flirt with me?! Oh, gods no!

"No. Get. Out." I said rudely to him.

I opened my book and started reading it again. But, although it was a pretty hot day, there was an annoying shadow right above me. And unfortunately, the shadow talked.

"Are you sure?" He leaned even closer.

That boy was going way off limits!

"Because I sure can figure something out."

I looked at him like I was about to punch him. He seriously needed to stop that. And that was when I realized that if I kept on just saying 'leave' or 'get your dumbass out of my personal space' he would still be there. Because, unfortunately, a boy's mind like his works like that. So, I figured out a plan.

"You know what?" I closed my book, placed it under my arm, and looked at him slightly smiling. Our noses were practically 5 inches away. Clearly, the guy had never heard of personal space. "I do have something in mind. Wanna know what it is?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. But he stood in the same position. He just looked straight into my eyes with a smirk on his face.

"I think I already do." He still had some sort of smirk on his face that most girls would fall for and describe it as 'sexy'. But I'm not like most girls. Even though that sounds extremely corny.

He leaned closer. 4 inches. "Keep your posture, Caroline!" I said to myself.

"But first you gotta stand straight," I said now to him. And he did it.

"Now close your eyes," I said with a light fake smile on my face. Only stupid people would think that that smile was genuine. Fortunately, I had one of those people in front of me.

"Oooo... a mystery. I like that." He said closing his eyes but keeping that dumb smirk on his face.

I put my hand on his shoulder again. I took a step closer... and quickly kicked him in the leg.

"Ouch!" He said opening his eyes in pain and then looking at me like he didn't understand what just happened. But that was his mistake. Because when our eyes crossed, I strongly hit his head with a 714 pages hardcover book.

Why, you ask?

Because slapping guys is for bitches and is much too cliché. But hitting guys in the head with a book is much more my style.

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