" What can I say. She proved smarter than we had ever thought. "LeeGuk smiled as he saw TaeYong's stare that screamed hostility towards his remark, then he compressed his desire to laugh at him who underestimated you and cleared his throat.

" My point is that, the guy you took to approach her can get information out of her about MinHee. If we use him right we can get to know how much she knows. Just pay him a bit extra money." TaeYong stayed quiet at the suggestion as what his friend proposed was dangerous. Not because he would involve Jimin in a personal matter but because it subtly meant that Jimin had to won your trust to get to any information from you.

He knew you good enough to know that you weren't an easy person. Like a shell, you always kept your thoughts to yourself, spoke only when necessary and interacted with others willing, rarely to never. He thought that someone getting you in bed once would be easy because anyone can get lustfull and lose control even once but this was another level.

"I know what you are thinking. But that's the only card you have for now. Play it or leave it all in the hands of luck." His friends words pressured him to make a choice even though LeeGuk knew what that choice would be from the moment he left those words out of his mouth. He knew him well and there was no way that TaeYong would leave anything out of his control.

" See you tomorrow." TaeYong stood up and left without giving him any answer however it wasn't needed. All LeeGuk was thinking however was that his obsession with having everything in control was ridiculous. Because when life wasn't to mess you up nothing will stop her. TaeYong should be well aware of that fact by now and the way he still kept fighting against it, sometimes in LeeGuk's eyes was just pathetically hilarious.

---time skip ---

You and Jimin had returned home, the moon still up in the sky even though the morning wasn't far from coming. It was four in the morning and you were a bit perplexed with yourself that you really went out there and you did all this things tonight. You were surprised that you found the courage however once you looked over at Jimin whom was bidding Goodnight to his friend as he returned to him the motorcycle, you understood that it wasn't you that gathered suddenly the courage, it was him that brought it to life.

He was puzzling. His actions were confusing. The amount of effort he puts in you and the way he behaves were utterly suspicious. He seems friendly and welcoming one moment and the other he makes you think that he is straight up flirting you. That wouldn't be propriety however. You knew that it wouldn't but that didn't stop you from liking the fact.

The way he flirts was among the lines of friendship and interest, attraction and boldness of admitting his admiring thoughts of you, like he did earlier when he referred to you as a beautiful temptation. You had laughed at that moment but as he know turned around and started walking towards you, you wondered why did you fought it funny?

What if he was serious about it and it wasn't a joke? What would you do then? I weren't sure. He was an attractive person and sure was fun having him around however your trust in him was little to non because of the simple fact that he was TaeYong's friend.

"Let's go Y/N" He smiled as he fixed a bit his pink hair with his hand then gave you a smile however you just stared back expressionless.

"You okay? Are you feeling dizzy perhaps? I drove to fast didn't I? Come i will make you something to easy your upset stomach." He looked at you with concern before getting hold of your hand and entering the gates slowly. You stayed quiet for a while, your attention having shifted to the warmth of his hand and the alarming feeling his touch gave you.

" I want to make something clear. Just so no misunderstanding occurs here." You told him out of a sudden pulling your hand away from his  and he turned and gave you an innocent look, waiting for you to clarify.

"I am sure that you are aware of your actions and how sometimes they get misleading. So let me make this clear for both of us. You are my butler. I am the wife of your friend. Let's not forget our places." You spoke firmly, your posture returning to the usual high class authoritative lady that you were, your eyes confidently looking at his in order to portray the message that you were not stepping anywhere that you shouldn't with him or anyone.

As you said that to him, you reminded it to yourself too because tonight he had been more inviting than ever to your eyes. He called you a sweet temptation but it was the contrary in your eyes tonight and for some reason you felt the need to put a barrier of safety in order to keep you from doing any rushed mistake caused by momentary attraction towards him.

Surprisingly Jimin laughed once you told him so, a laugh that perplexed you as you didn't found any reason to laugh at anything.

"I am so happy." He said and at that point you couldn't help but question him as about to why was he happy.

"I made you insecure enough to actually bring up a line between us." He explained and his smiling face grew serious, his body stepping a bit closer to yours.

"That means I am not the only one getting tensed in your presence Y/N. I am happy the feelings are mutual." He said staring at your eyes and for some reason you felt your stomach getting tight from nervousness and the atmosphere he had created.

"Don't worry. I don't want to do nothing more than my job, i assure you. If you need to away, i will stay wherever you put me." Jimin added, breaking the intensity with a soft smile and you just turned around and left, hurried steps taking you closer to the house as you didn't know what to say to him.

He was difficult to understand.

What are you exactly trying to do?

---To be continued....

Deceiver //PJM FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя