Chapter 23

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Carson's POV

I stepped into Larry's bar the next evening, once again in hunt of Oliver. Ever since he came to the gym last week and said all those things, I couldn't sleep. I kept waiting for something bad to happen because I knew that he was planning something.

I didn't like the idea of him controlling my life, so I was going to put an end to this nonsense once and for all. I'm not going to let this twisted psycho hurt anyone.

As expected, Oliver was here. He was sitting at a corner of the bar in a booth. He had two girls sitting on either side of him. Without missing a beat, I walked over to where he was and crossed my arms, giving him a look that lets him know that we need to talk now.

Oliver turned to each girl. "Excuse me, ladies. I need to talk to my pal here for a bit." Both girls smiled at him before getting up and leaving us alone. He then faced me and clasped his hands on the table in front of him. "Now, what do you want?"

"You know exactly what I want and I don't have the time to play your mind games. It's time to end whatever you're doing." I demanded.

"I thought you would have asked more nicely." He chided.

Feeling my anger building, I slammed my hands down on the table. "Just cut the crap. I'm not really asking."

Oliver chuckled darkly. "Really now? What are you going to do? Huh? Call the police on me? What difference would that make? Just know that I have friends everywhere and they have eyes everywhere. No matter what you do you'll always be a target." He said enunciating each word. He then brought his voice to a dangerous whisper. "Don't ever forget that."

"What the hell is wrong with you? What is it that you want?" I was losing my patience now.

"As I mentioned before, you humiliated me and I want to see you pay for that."

"So you think that by torturing me and turning up wherever I am, you'll get your revenge?" I asked.

He laughed again. "Of course not, that was just the icing on the cake. I'm going to break you, Carson and I'm not talking physically. I'm going to get to you and then and only then will I feel my revenge is complete. I'm still thinking about it, that thing that will do just that but make no mistake, I'll figure it out."

"I won't let you interfere and control my life anymore," I stated feeling my anger rise at his casual and laid-back behaviour.

"Who's going to stop me?" He challenged.

We stared hard at each other for a few seconds, before I spoke again. "You'll see about that," I replied as I stood up from the seat and walked away from him. I headed over to the bar area and sat on a stool in front of the counter. Larry who was at the counter scribbling in a notebook, looked up when I sat down.

"That looked intense." He stated, nudging his head in the direction of where Oliver was still sitting. The two girls who were there before reclaimed their position. "He's still causing trouble with you?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, he's always causing trouble." I then turned on the stool to face Larry completely. "I'm telling you, Larry, he's bad to have around."

Larry nodded his head in agreement. "I know but as I said before, I don't want any trouble and a guy like that walks with trouble whatever he goes." Larry then brought his voice to a whisper. "He's been dealing some illegal shit these last few weeks, so I just stay clear of him and leave him be. I don't want to get in his way."

"What do you mean? What kind of illegal things?" I asked.

Larry hesitated for a while before he brought his voice quieter. "He's been selling drugs. I saw him do it here more than once. You didn't hear this from me though. I'm just here to run my bar in peace so that I can make my money. I don't want to be in his way and be caught up in all that."

"No problem Larry, I won't say anything to get you in trouble," I reassured him as his discomfort was evident.

"Thanks, mate. I really appreciate that." He replied, visibly relaxing. "Can I get you anything?"

I nodded my head. "Sure," I replied and ordered a club soda with lime. As I waited for my drink, I went deep into thought, trying to figure out what I'm going to do about what Oliver is planning.


A half an hour later, my friends joined up with me at the bar as I had called them earlier. I quickly filled them in on the conversation I had with Oliver.

"So hold up. You're saying that you don't think it's about beating you anymore?" Michael asked me confused.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think so," I answered as I thought about it some more before I proceeded to explain. "He wanted to beat me to prove that he was better than me. When that didn't work, he assaulted me thinking that he would get some satisfaction at least. When I didn't react to what he did, he knew that he didn't get to me as he wanted. Now, his intention has changed. All he wants is to get back at me. It doesn't matter how he does it."

"That means getting back at you is his ultimate revenge," Jordan concluded.

"That's messed up, man," Jayden said. After no one said anything, he asked. "So, what are you gonna do?"

"He's not going to stop until he finds something to break me down," I said almost to myself. "I think he's planning on hurting anyone close to me to achieve that."

"So what are you saying?" Micheal asked confused as to what I was getting at.

I faced Micheal as I made up my mind and came to a decision. "I'm saying that I won't let him hurt Kayla. I would never let that happen. Oliver is smart, he'll catch on quick and I can't have him making her a target because of our relationship." I paused for two seconds, before I continued. "So there's only one thing I can do to prevent that from happening."

Author's Note: Hi guys!!

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you liked it!!

I had a few course assignments to do, so this chapter came later than I had planned. I still have a few more assignments, but I wanted to update a chapter for you guys. I'll try my best to get the next one up as soon as possible because my intention is to complete this story by December.

Stay cute always 😍

Alecia ❤

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