Chapter 3

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When Carson and I had started college a year and a few months back, Carson had rented an apartment near his college. He had said that he rather have an apartment than stay in the dorms, which I totally understood. It's better when you have your own space and privacy than to be sharing a room. Of course, renting an apartment was no big deal. His father paid for the rent and he has been living there since he started school.

His apartment wasn't far from my college either, so it only took half an hour to get there by cab. I have been here so many times that I've gotten used to the neighbourhood. Carson lived in a quiet neighbourhood; he loves it here and so do I.

I got out of the car and walked into the building. I walked down the corridors and stopped at his room door. I lightly rapped my knuckles on the door continuously. After the second set of knocking, the door swung open and before I could get a word out or think, Carson pulled me inside and brought me close to him. A surprised breath left my lips before he connected his lips to mine instantly.

When my brain started to assimilate what was happening, I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back just as passionately. Carson kissed me intensely as if his life depended on it. He pulled me closer until I was pressed up against him causing me to release a short gasp. Carson took that opportunity to take full control and I moaned from the contact. Before long, we both wanted to catch our breaths and pulled apart.

"What was that for?" I asked as soon as I caught my breath. My breath sounded raspy to my ears.

"That, my love, is what I wanted to do the minute I saw you today," Carson replied, his breath raspy as well, which was a complete turn on. I smiled and my eyes trailed to his swollen lips from me kissing him a while ago. His hair was messy from me running my hands in it and his blue eyes were greyish as he looked at me with so much passion. My breath caught in my throat and my heartbeat quicken. Damn, he looks so sexy. He captured my lips again in a gentle kiss, his arms still held me tight. He then moved to my neck and began to leave light kisses there. Instantly, my entire body became hot and my knees felt weak. "I miss you so much." He whispered between kisses. It was a good thing he was holding me, because at this point, I don't think I could stand on my own. "Do you have any plans for later?"

"No," I whispered. I wasn't sure if he heard me though, because my voice came out breathy. I didn't think I could speak again, so I shook my head to confirm my words.

A gasp escaped my lips as Carson suddenly swing me in his arms in one swift movement. I wrapped both my arms around his neck and he grinned at me mischievously. "Good, because we have plans for the rest of the night."

"Hmm...I like that." The words barely left my lips as Carson reconnected our lips and walked in the direction of his room.


"So were you surprised?" Jasmine asked the following morning. We were in our rooms, getting ready for a class we have in half an hour.

"Yes, I was. I can't believe you knew all this time." I replied, still shocked.

Jasmine laughed. "You don't know how hard it was to keep my mouth shut. There were so many times that I almost slipped."

"Knowing you, I can't believe you kept it." Jasmine was known for not keeping her mouth shut, especially when it's something this exciting. Plus, it was hard for her to keep things from me.

"It was too romantic for me to ruin it." Jasmine sighed dreamily.

I smiled. Of course, she loves romance over anything else. "Speaking of romance, what are you and Eli planning tomorrow?"

Jasmine's face brightens instantly with a smile. "I don't know. He said it's a surprise. I can't wait!"

"That's good. I'm happy for you." I replied, taking up my knapsack from my bed. "Now come on, before we are late for our classes." I grab Jasmine's hand and left our room.

After our short walk to the school's campus, Jasmine and I went our separate ways. I head in the direction of my Organic Chemistry class. We were going to be doing labs today, so class will be in the lab. I reached the room five minutes before the teacher got there.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Harriot walked in with a boy behind her. The boy stood tall and confident even though all eyes were on him. 

"Good morning class." Mrs. Harriot spoke. "We have a new student in our class. His name is Travis Bentley and he's a transfer from Durbline University. He's new to this campus, so please, when you can, help him get around and make him settle in easily."

Everyone in the class responded and nodded their heads in confirmation. She then turned to Travis. "Now then Travis, we are going to be doing labs today and you will need a lab partner." She looked around the entire class. Everyone was sitting beside a partner except me. Her eyes landed on me and she pointed in my direction. "Go and sit beside Kayla over there and she will be your lab partner for the rest of the semester."

Travis nodded his head and walk over in my direction. He sat beside me and gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back at him. Mrs. Harriot then began her lesson, so our attention was focused back on the front of the class.

Author's Note: Hello everyone!

Firstly, let me apologize for the long wait. I hope it wasn't too much trouble 😔 The good news is that I have a lot of free time for the summer and will update frequently now! 😊

Sigh...the bad news is...I'm actually sad right now. The first story to this one, "Her Saving Grace" was removed from my stories. I can't find it and readers can't find it either. I reported the issue, only to hear that my story was removed for copyright infringement. My own story that I slaved over and wrote from my imagination 😢😩

I really can't believe that my story is gone 😭 I feel so down that I didn't even have the willpower to continue with the sequel but decided to do it for my loyal readers ❤ Anyway, I replied to their email and I hope this matter can be resolved, so I can get back my first story to get this many views...😞

Anyway...on to happier thoughts! I hope you liked this chapter. I have so many plans for this story and I can't wait!

Happy reading!

Alecia 💓

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