Chapter 10

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“What the hell?” Sehun glared at the guy who confidently stood up to volunteer auditioning to replace Kim Jong In. “Are you serious?” he asked

“Somehow, I feel offended by your gasps.” The guy said acting hurt addressing it to everyone who was looking at him. “Here I am clearly showing my determination to help keeping Yerin’s stalker away from her, and there you start piercing me with your stares that shouts ‘does he even know how to dance’. To answer that, I do know how to dance. You probably haven’t seen me yet, but I do have my own moves enough to beat Lee Eun Wo.”

“We’ve seen you dance. Or could it even be called dancing?” Someone shouted

“Right. Right. My octopus and Egyptian dance.. That my friends is my way of warming up..” the guy laughed

Yerin chuckled slightly. She has seen him dance before, but light dances those were. She recalled the times he used his ‘own moves’ to make Sehun laugh, or the entire room. Even though she knows it wasn’t really enough to get the part, somehow she appreciated his efforts for her.

“Well then. We will wait for you after school at the theatre hall for your audition Mr. Byun Baekhyun.”

“Splendid madam. I’ll see you later” he said using an accent that made the entire room scoff.


“So. What are you gonna do Chanyeol?’ Tao asked.

It was obvious that the problem has not been solved. They didn’t really have faith on Byun Baekhyun’s ‘own moves’ as he said. They haven’t really seen him dance before, except for the time he imitated a lousy octopus which was probably injected with anesthesia in front of the entire class because it has been a boring day. There was also a time where he imitated Egyptian dances again in front of the class to make everyone laugh after an entire 2 hours of listening to their 60 year old pterodactyl professor who talked about World War 1 like he has lived in its era. They don’t even consider those dances.

If it would have been singing, the guy would have been the best choice. He was really good at that. How unfortunate that the odds weren’t on their favor.

“I don’t really know.” Answered Chanyeol. Worried was an understatement of what he felt right now.

He remembered the time he glanced by the window of his room only to find a guy peaking at the direction of his sister’s room. Two days after, before they were leaving to Los Angeles for an entire month of vacation, he saw the same guy still peaking and still with the same clothes the first time he saw him there. He intended to call police, but since they were just about to leave, he didn’t bother anymore. He was surprised that when their car left the house, the guy wasn’t anywhere around its vicinity. And then he saw him for the third time at the airport.

He told Yerin when they arrived at their hotel, and it totally scared her out. She had nightmares for an entire week.

The next school year, the guy enrolled in their school and the stalking has been continued. After being reprimanded twice and warned that he was going to get suspended, he continued anyway and received the punishment. After a month of suspension, he came back and suddenly the stalking has stopped.

Yerin was so scared of him. It wouldn’t be good if he would be anywhere near her.

“We have to find someone who will audition. You should ask Kai who he can trust. I’m sure the dance club has a lot of dancers.” Tao suggested.

Chanyeol was nodding vaguely with his friend but the truth is, he wasn’t really so sure the moment. He felt like time was running out. He was giving up when an idea crossed his mind.

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