Chapter 4

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“I know you were behind it. What are you doing? We had a deal” he said murderously by the phone. His teeth were gritting in anger.

“Pray tell what you are talking about my dear old friend” she answered playfully, not even bothered of the threat his voice was implying.

“We are not friends.” He growled “Stop playing with me. You! You sent that person to follow Yerin. I thought we had an arrangement. What’s this all of a sudden?”

“Oh.” She laughed. “Something happened to her? You know as much as I am ecstatic to hear that, I actually am not the brain behind that whatever that had happened to her. I’m so sorry to disappoint you”.

He didn’t answer. He didn’t know if she was lying, but he knows she never lies.

“But hey, at least you now figured out that someone else has a grudge on her. I won't be the center of all your blames anymore.” she continued

He was left speechless. He realized that she wasn’t one to lie because there wasn’t any point of her lying anymore. All of her doings has been exposed, none worth be kept.

All these time he thought it was her who was behind the incident but after hearing what she had said he felt like everything he has been doing has come down to the drains.

What if there really is someone else who is after her?

“And” she suddenly spoke again from the phone now in a much more serious tone, giving him shivers. “I don’t think you’re doing according to our deal. You better watch your actions, you of all people know what I am capable of doing,  Sehun” she said and with that the call ended.

He was left staring at the blank space. She was right. He knew what she can do and he never wants to see her do it ever again.




“Hey. I heard you were in the auction again. Those girls keep saying they thought they had the chance.” Hale took a seat beside Yerin who was busy writing something in her notebook.

“Oh. Hi.” Yerin greeted back “My father came home and is really excited to watch and I couldn’t disappoint him for not going but you know I’d be so glad to give them the spot if I could.” she mumbled then sighed. She still had second thoughts about it. It was something she never really dreamed of joining but for the sake of her father.

“I already told you I could talk to him about it” Chanyeol stopped just right in front of them looking a bit annoyed. People outside the room were running back and forth in the hallway in front of their room.

Yerin noticed this but she just shrugged. “It’s fine. Are you okay? You seem destructive right now” she said.

“I’m fine. People outside are just too loud. Its aanoying. My precious eardrums are irritated. Sheeesh.” he answered starting to walk to his seat behind. Chanyeol has been a little sensitive since this morning, Yerin has noticed it well, when the two had a brother-sister talk. It was like something was bothering him. Maybe he hasn’t gotten over what she said just yet. She started to regret that she had told him.

“Your brother is so damn dreamy. I could tell you all day how he can make a girl beg on his feet, including me.” Hale said staring at Chanyeol behind in his earphones who was now lost in his own world with his music. Yerin pulled her face back and laughed. She looked at Hale who was also laughing and thought of a ridiculous but genius idea.

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