Chapter 14

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Here's the real update :D


Taehyung tried absorbing Chanyeol's story. Yerin had once told him that Chanyeol was in love before and the reason he can't fall in love or trust easily right  now is because of something dreadful that had happened in the past. This was what she meant. And surely, this was dreadful.

"We did everything she wanted. But I didn't understand why she wanted them. She always said she loved Korea. Why would she have wanted to go back? And they were well-off. She can afford going home on her own. Everything in her apartment were precious for her, for us. But what I didn't understand was why she wanted us to file a restraining order against her."

"It's like she wants to make sure that she can't get close to you." Taehyung sad.

"That's why I had a hard time trusting my sister to anyone else." Chanyeol said. Taehyung merely nodded in understanding.

"How did you save Yerin?" Taehyung asked.

Chanyeol looked at Sehun.

"I was on my way to Yerin that noon, but I saw her with Elena going out of the house. I saw how uneasy she was like something was bothering her. She wasn't like that before. She was always composed and peaceful but for some reason, she looked like she was about to do something dangerous and something she doesn't want to do." Sehun answered as he recalled what had happened.

"I followed them, they entered a car, Elena's car. I barely knew how to drive then except for the practice drives my dad had taught me. I struggled keeping up with them. They went to the pier. I saw how a man opened the car door and carried Yerin out of the car. I will never forget that guy's face. She was unconscious. There were too many of them. I was barely a teenager. They went to a yacht. I went and hid at the yacht beside it watching from a distance as they locked Yerin at a room."

"It was probably six in the evening, when several cars arrived, and everyone in the yacht entered the cars including Elena leaving Yerin alone. I took that opportunity to get to her." Sehun gulped and sweats rolled the side of his face.

"And I took her home." He finished.

Taehyung grew uneasy. Something about how Sehun narrated the story sounded incomplete to him. He felt like there was something missing from what he said. Something from that time he got to Yerin that he chose not to say. Something extremely important. Taehyung is going to find out what it was.

The echo of Taehyung's phone interrupted their thoughts. Taehyung answered it and put it to speaker phone.

"Suho? Anything?" Taehyung asked.

"Apparently, several things." Suho started. "We found Mr. Lee inside his classroom in the middle of his lecture. We asked him if he asked for Yerin and he said that he didn't have anything to say to her. In other words, he didn't call for her."

"I knew it." Taehyung said.

"We also checked the CCTV for that girl. She borrowed Yerin's phone and then the car parked in front of them. When Yerin sprinted inside the car, the girl slid Yerin's phone to her pocket and ran off the different direction. We checked her in the students roll, we didn't see her face. Meaning, she doesn't go to our school." D.O said.

"What the hell." Sehun groaned. "How did she enter the school premises without an ID." He said.

"She had an ID, but it's surely fake and she was wearing the uniform so the guard didn't suspect her." D.O answered

"Another CCTV caught the car parked outside a little further away from the gate of the school, not inside waiting since lunch. I think it didn't enter the school so the guard wouldn't notice why it came to pick Yerin and Chanyeol up too early of the day. Especially that the guard was friends with their original driver. It has been waiting for 3 hours outside. We noticed that when the girl at the video was dialing from her phone, the car had started and drove inside the gate. They were working together."

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